小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级上module 4 unit 11


[00:02.00]Unit 11 Shapes第十一单元 形状
[00:04.56]How many squares are there?这儿有几个正方形?
[00:08.08]There are two squares.这儿有两个正方形。
[00:11.73]Listen and say听录音,练习对话。
[00:14.42]Look at the picture.看图。
[00:16.87]How many squares are there?有几个正方形?
[00:20.23]There are two squares.有两个正方形。
[00:22.91]How many circles are there?有几个圆形?
[00:26.43]There are six circles.有六个圆形。
[00:30.11]How many stars are there?有几个五角星形?
[00:33.63]There is one star.有一个五角星形。
[00:37.11]How many rectangles and triangles are there?有几个长方形和三角形?
[00:42.66]There are nine rectangles and one triangle.有九个长方形和一个三角形。
[00:49.13]Look and learn看图片,听音,学习新单词。
[01:00.98]Say and act练习对话,再和同学们一起表演吧。
[01:04.06]1 Mum, we're home.妈妈,我们到家了。
[01:10.98]How are you today?今天过得怎么样?
[01:13.26]Very well.非常好。
[01:15.70]2 Here are some biscuits for you.这儿有一些饼干给你们。
[01:19.94]Thank you, Mum.谢谢妈妈。
[01:22.71]3 How many biscuits are there?这儿有几块饼干?
[01:33.00]There are five biscuits.有五块饼干。
[01:36.38]4 Look at my biscuit.看我的饼干。
[01:39.62]It's a square.是正方形的。
[01:42.13]Look at my biscuit.看我的饼干。
[01:44.96]It's a star.I like it.是五角星形的。我喜欢它。
[01:49.94]Review the sounds复习学过的发音
[01:53.06]a face脸
[01:56.60]u pupil小学生
[01:59.78]i sister姐妹
[02:02.91]o nose鼻子
[02:06.15]e red红色的
[02:09.16]a fat肥胖的
[02:12.11]u run跑
[02:14.99]e me我
[02:17.89]o hot热
[02:20.78]i five五

