小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级上module 4 unit 12


[00:02.00]Unit 12 Weather第十二单元 天气
[00:04.80]How's the weather?天气怎么样?
[00:06.94]It's warm and sunny.温暖,阳光充足。
[00:10.67]Listen and say听录音,练习对话。
[00:14.44]1 How's the weather, Kitty?凯蒂,天气怎么样?
[00:23.01]It's rainy.下雨呢。
[00:26.24]2 How's the weather, Kitty?凯蒂,天气怎么样?
[00:35.83]It's cloudy and windy.多云,有风。
[00:39.82]3 How's the weather today, Kitty?凯蒂,今天天气怎么样?
[00:44.40]It's warm and sunny.温暖,阳光充足。
[00:47.38]It's Sunday.今天是星期日。
[00:49.39]Let's go to the park.我们一起去公园吧。
[00:52.60]4 I can ride my bike in the park.我可以在公园里骑车。
[00:59.65]I can run in the park.我可以在公园里跑步。
[01:03.79]Look and learn看图片,听音,学习新单词。
[01:31.72]Say and act练习对话,再和同学们一起表演吧。
[01:35.34]1 How's the weather today?今天天气怎么样?
[01:47.01]It's rainy.下雨呢。
[01:49.72]I don't like the rain.我不喜欢下雨。
[01:52.39]I can't play in the park.我不能去公园玩儿了。
[01:56.01]I like the rain.我喜欢雨。
[02:05.22]2 It's windy today.今天有风。
[02:11.35]I like the wind.我喜欢风。
[02:13.87]I can fly my kite.我可以放风筝去了。
[02:17.20]I don't like the wind.我不喜欢风。
[02:26.46]3 It's hot today.今天真热。
[02:30.51]I don't like the sun.我不喜欢太阳。
[02:33.59]I like the sun.我喜欢太阳。
[02:37.26]Listen and enjoy听一听并欣赏
[02:44.39]It's sunny today.
[02:46.66]I take my cap.
[02:48.99]I take my cap.
[02:51.07]When I go out to play.
[02:54.11]It's rainy today.
[02:56.52]I take my umbrella.
[02:58.90]I take my umbrella.
[03:01.23]When I go out to play.
[03:06.98]Review the sounds.复习学过的发音
[03:10.74]a cake蛋糕  table桌子  jam果酱  hand手
[03:20.14]e he他  she她  ten十  pen钢笔
[03:30.03]i kite风筝  bike自行车  pig猪  pink粉红色
[03:38.61]o photo照片  rose玫瑰  dog狗  shop商店
[03:48.03]u pupil小学生  tube试管  duck鸭子  sun太阳

