小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级上module 4 unit 10


[00:02.00]Module 4 The world around us我们周围的世界
[00:05.88]Unit 10 Around my home第十单元 在我家周围
[00:10.04]Is there a park near your home?你家附近有一个公园吗?
[00:14.59]Listen and say听录音,练习对话。
[00:17.45]Where is your home, Jill?吉尔,你家在哪里?
[00:20.34]It's on Brown Street.在布朗大街。
[00:23.65]Is there a park near your home?你家附近有一个公园吗?
[00:27.05]Yes. There's a park behind my home.是的。我家后面有一个公园。
[00:32.51]Where is your home, Miss Fang?方老师,你家在哪里?
[00:35.70]It's on a busy street.那是一条繁忙的大街。
[00:38.69]There are some shops,那条街上有很多商店,
[00:40.71]a supermarket and a park on that street.一个超市和一个公园。
[00:45.25]Are there any restaurants near your home?你家附近有些餐馆吗?
[00:48.97]Yes, there are.是的,有。
[00:51.81]Is your home on Green Street?你家在格林大街吗?
[00:54.94]Yes, it is.是的。
[00:58.05]Look and learn看图片,听音,学习新单词。
[01:10.21]Look and read看下面的图片,并朗读短文。
[01:12.97]Wangfujing Street in Beijing北京的王府井大街
[01:16.75]I live near Wangfujing Street.我住在王府井大街附近。
[01:20.40]It is a busy street in Beijing.在北京,这是一条繁忙的街道。
[01:23.93]There are a lot of shops on this street.这条街上有很多的商店。
[01:28.04]Some shops are very old.有一些老牌的商店,
[01:31.51]Some shops are new.也有一些新的商店。
[01:34.74]Many people like to go there.很多人都喜欢去那里。
[01:38.83]There are many good restaurants
[01:41.82]on Wangfujing Street.王府井大街上有很多餐馆。
[01:44.68]People can eat nice food there.人们在这里可以吃到美食。
[01:48.38]I like Beijing Roast Duck.我喜欢吃北京烤鸭。
[01:51.78]What about you?你呢?
[01:54.83]Learn the sounds学习发音
[01:57.26]u duck鸭子
[02:02.67]u sun太阳
[02:10.19]The ducks have fun.小鸭子们有乐趣。
[02:12.72]They play in the sun.它们在阳光下玩耍。
[02:17.55]Catch the ducks in the sun!在太阳下面捉鸭子!
[02:22.16]The ducks have fun.小鸭子们有乐趣。
[02:24.54]They play in the sun.它们在阳光下玩耍。
[02:29.49]Catch the ducks in the sun!在太阳下面捉鸭子!


