小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级上module 3 unit 9


[00:02.00]Unit 9 At home第九单元 在家里
[00:06.10]Where is it?它在哪里?
[00:08.94]It's on the table.它在桌子上。
[00:11.42]Listen and say.听录音,练习对话。
[00:14.11]1 I can help you, Grandma.我能帮助你,奶奶。
[00:17.43]What do you need?你要什么?
[00:19.97]OK, Alice. I need two eggs.好的,爱丽丝。我要两个鸡蛋。
[00:24.99]2 Where are they?它们在哪里?
[00:28.84]They're in the box.它们在盒子里。
[00:31.84]3 Give me a plate, please.请给我一个盘子。
[00:44.50]Where is it?它在哪里?
[00:46.93]It's on the table.它在桌子上。
[00:49.79]4 Here you are.给您。
[01:00.38]Thank you.谢谢。
[01:02.59]5 Let's have lunch.我们吃午饭吧。
[01:09.89]Look and learn看图片,听音,学习新单词。
[01:25.88]Enjoy a story故事欣赏
[01:28.53]Where is my fish?我的鱼在哪里?
[01:31.56]1 Mrs Brown is in her kitchen.布朗太太在厨房里。
[01:37.02]2 Ginger the cat is hungry.小猫金杰饿了。
[01:42.90]3 Ginger can jump.金杰能跳。
[01:46.26]Now she is on the table.现在她在桌子上。
[01:49.86]4 Where is the plate now?现在盘子在哪里呢?
[01:54.16]It is on the floor.在地板上。
[01:56.59]Ginger is under the chair.金杰在椅子下面。
[02:00.04]5 Ginger is full.金杰吃饱了。
[02:02.84]She is happy,but Mrs Brown is angry.她很开心,但是布朗太太生气了。
[02:09.48]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:12.36]u pupil小学生
[02:18.25]u tube试管
[02:26.93]Judy is a pupil.朱迪是个小学生。
[02:29.28]She has some tubes.她有一些试管。
[02:31.53]She makes music with her tubes.她用试管来演奏音乐。
[02:36.26]Judy is a pupil.朱迪是个小学生。
[02:38.53]She has some tubes.她有一些试管。
[02:41.12]She makes music with her tubes.她用试管来演奏音乐。


