小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级上module 2 unit 6


[00:02.00]Unit 6 Family life第六单元 家庭生活
[00:04.33]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:09.85]living room客厅
[00:15.98]model plane飞机模型
[00:42.83]do ... homework做家庭作业
[00:48.18]turn off关掉
[00:51.42]watch TV看电视
[00:55.51]tell a story讲故事
[00:59.42]I'm doing my homework.我在做作业。
[01:02.78]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[01:05.20]1 Kitty, where are you?凯蒂,你在哪里?
[01:09.18]I'm in the living room. 我在客厅。
[01:11.93]I'm doing my homework.我在做作业。
[01:14.69]2 Ben, where are you?本,你在哪里?
[01:17.83]I'm in my bedroom,dad. 爸爸,我在我的卧室。
[01:20.52]I'm making a model plane.我正在做一个飞机模型。
[01:23.27]3 Where are you, May? 梅,你在哪里?
[01:27.00]Are you in the kitchen?你在厨房吗?
[01:28.48]No. I'm in the bathroom. 不,我在浴室里。
[01:31.58]I'm washing my hair.我在洗头发。
[01:33.60]4 Dad, where are you?爸爸,你在哪里?
[01:37.16]I'm in the kitchen. 我在厨房。
[01:39.01]I'm cooking dinner. 我在做晚饭。
[01:41.13]Come and help me, please.请过来帮帮我。
[01:43.46]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:54.52]living room客厅
[01:57.51]Say and act练习对话,再和同学们一起表演吧
[02:00.08]1 Good evening. 晚上好。
[02:02.66]It's Earth Hour now. 现在是地球一小时。
[02:04.65]Many people turn off their lights.很多人熄灯。
[02:07.01]2 Hi, I'm Alice. 嗨,我是爱丽丝。
[02:11.12]I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, 我晚上通常和我父母看电视,
[02:14.80]but now we're looking at the stars.但现在我们正在看星星。
[02:18.11]3 Hello, my name's Kitty. 你好,我的名字叫凯蒂。
[02:21.93]My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks
[02:26.83]before bedtime,我和我弟弟本通常在睡前读故事书,
[02:28.20]but now Grandma is telling us a story.但现在奶奶正给我们讲故事。
[02:32.23]4 Hi, I'm Sally. 嗨,我是莎莉。
[02:35.75]I usually do my homework at night, 我通常在晚上写作业,
[02:38.64]but now I'm playing word games with my family.但现在我在和我的家人玩文字游戏。
[02:42.61]Sing a song唱歌
[02:44.63]London Bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来
[02:53.65]London bridge is falling down,
[02:56.23]Falling down, falling down.
[02:59.17]London bridge is falling down,
[03:02.68]my fair lady.
[03:11.34]London bridge is falling down,
[03:13.74]Falling down, falling down.
[03:16.62]London bridge is falling down,
[03:19.55]my fair lady.
[03:30.69]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:32.99]br bread面包
[03:37.81]cr ice cream冰淇淋
[03:43.49]Brian likes ice cream.
[03:48.39]He likes bread too.
[03:50.81]He puts some ice cream On the bread,
[03:55.45]And eats the ice cream With the bread.
[04:01.40]Brian likes ice cream.
[04:03.75]He likes bread too.
[04:05.98]He puts some ice cream On the bread,
[04:10.79]And eats the ice cream With the bread.

