小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级上module 3 unit 7


[00:02.00]Module 3 Out and about模块三 外出和关于
[00:04.89]Unit 7 At the beach第七单元 在海滩上
[00:08.59]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:39.87]on holiday度假
[00:42.98]have a good time玩得高兴
[00:46.69]Is Paul collecting shells?
[00:50.06]Yes, he is.保罗在收集贝壳吗?是的。
[00:52.37]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:55.66]Today is Saturday, 3rd November.今天是11月3日,星期六。
[00:59.64]The Browns are on holiday in Sanya. 布朗一家都在三亚度假。
[01:02.68]They are at the beach.他们在海滩上。
[01:05.32]It is a beautiful day. 这是美好的一天。
[01:08.00]The sky is blue and the clouds are white. 蓝天白云。
[01:12.42]Sally is enjoying the sunshine.莎莉正在享受阳光。
[01:15.88]Peter is sitting beside Sally. 彼得坐在萨莉旁边。
[01:19.94]He is reading a book. 他正在看书。
[01:22.65]Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. 布朗夫人和保罗正在收集贝壳。
[01:27.74]Mr Brown is swimming in the sea. 布朗先生正在海里游泳。
[01:30.91]They are all having a good time.他们都玩得很开心。
[01:34.69]Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在收集贝壳吗?
[01:37.43]Yes, he is.是的。
[01:40.84]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:48.89]Say and act练习对话,再和同学们一起表演吧
[01:51.58]1 Sally is swimming.莎莉正在游泳。
[01:54.92]Let's go swimming too, Peter. 我们也去游泳吧,彼得。
[01:57.29]It's fun.很好玩。
[01:59.01]Sorry, Paul. I'm busy.对不起,保罗。我很忙。
[02:02.92]2 Are you doing your homework?你在做作业吗?
[02:06.19]No, I'm not. 不是。
[02:08.19]I'm writing a letter.我正在写一封信。
[02:10.12]I want to put it in a bottle.我想把它放进一个瓶子里。
[02:13.35]3 Now let's throw the bottle into the sea.现在让我们把瓶子扔进大海。
[02:19.28]4 Where is it going? 它将往何处去?
[02:22.38]Is it going to Australia?它将去澳大利亚吗?
[02:25.15]I don't know.我不知道。
[02:27.64]5 Hi, I'm Peter Brown. 你好,我是彼得·布朗。
[02:32.35]I'm from the UK. 我来自英国。
[02:34.48]I live in China now. 我现在住在中国。
[02:36.54]I'm 11 years old.  我11岁。
[02:40.45]You know who I am, Peter.彼得,你知道我是谁。
[02:41.19]Who are you?你是谁?
[02:42.99]I'm Sally.我是莎莉。
[02:45.05]Listen and enjoy听唱歌谣
[02:49.52]Is Sally playing volleyball?
[02:52.59]Yes, she is.
[02:53.28]Yes, she is.
[02:54.51]Sally is playing volleyball On the beach.
[02:59.04]Is Paul collecting shells?
[03:01.45]No, he isn't. No, he isn't.
[03:04.00]Paul is collecting rubbish On the beach.
[03:09.34]Is Sally playing volleyball?
[03:11.98]Yes, she is.
[03:12.98]Yes, she is.
[03:14.16]Sally is playing volleyball On the beach.
[03:18.77]Is Paul collecting shells?
[03:21.21]No, he isn't. No, he isn't.
[03:23.77]Paul is collecting rubbish On the beach.
[03:30.30]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:32.81]fr fruit水果
[03:37.47]gr grandpa爷爷
[03:43.06]tr tree树
[03:50.93]Grandpa grows some fruit,
[03:53.45]Some fruit on the trees.
[03:55.89]Grandpa gives me some fruit,
[03:57.91]Some fruit from his trees.
[04:00.92]Grandpa grows some fruit,
[04:02.81]Some fruit on the trees.
[04:05.43]Grandpa gives me some fruit,
[04:08.04]Some fruit from his trees.

