小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级上module 2 unit 5


[00:02.00]Unit 5 Friends第五单元 朋友
[00:04.27]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:51.88]each other互相
[00:55.24]make phone calls打电话
[00:59.65]We both like sport.我们都喜欢运动。
[01:03.58]Listen and say听录音,并练习说。
[01:05.43]1 I'm Kitty. 我是凯蒂。
[01:08.49]I have a friend.我有一个朋友。
[01:10.20]Her name's Alice. 她叫爱丽丝。
[01:11.99]She's clever. 她很聪明。
[01:13.53]We're in the same class.我们是在同一个班级。
[01:16.44]2 We both like sport. 我们都喜欢运动。
[01:20.67]I like playing table tennis 我喜欢打乒乓球、
[01:24.07]and Alice likes playing volleyball.爱丽丝喜欢打排球。
[01:26.98]We both love animals. 我们都喜欢动物。
[01:29.66]I have a cat and Alice has a dog.我有一只猫、爱丽丝有一条狗。
[01:34.45]3 We both like helping people. 大家都喜欢帮助别人。
[01:39.21]We sometimes help old people cross the street. 我们有时会帮助老人过马路。
[01:43.61]We also help them carry heavy bags.我们还帮他们提很重的包。
[01:47.92]4 We like each other. 我们互相喜欢。
[01:51.70]We're good friends.我们是很好的朋友。
[01:53.69]Look and learn看图学习单词
[02:02.25]Read a story故事阅读
[02:04.70]Oliver feels bored奥利弗觉得无聊
[02:07.34]1 Oliver reads some books at home. 奥利弗在家读书。
[02:12.43]The books are not interesting.这些书没有趣。
[02:15.63]2 Then Oliver plays word games,然后奥利弗玩文字游戏,
[02:20.32]but they are too easy.但它们太简单了。
[02:23.07]3 Oliver's mother is busy in the kitchen.奥利弗的妈妈正在厨房忙活。
[02:27.86]"Mum, I'm bored," says Oliver. 妈妈,我觉得无聊,”奥利弗说。
[02:31.43]“What do you want to do then?" “那你想做什么?”
[02:34.02]asks his mother. " I don't know,"他妈妈问道。“我不知道,”
[02:36.89]answers Oliver.“奥利弗回答。
[02:38.87]4 "I have an idea!"“我有个主意!”
[02:42.31]says Oliver's mother. 奥利弗的妈妈说。
[02:44.37]She makeshift some phone calls. 她打了一些电话。
[02:47.03]"Hello! This is Oliver's mother. “你好!我是奥利弗的妈妈。
[02:55.15]Is that Ken? Can you come to my home?"你是肯吗?你能来我家吗?”
[03:06.93]5 Soon all Oliver's friends come. 很快奥利弗所有的朋友都来了。
[03:10.78]Oliver is happy.奥利弗很高兴。
[03:12.68]Listen and enjoy听唱歌谣
[03:17.88]I have a friend.
[03:20.12]She's very small.
[03:22.31]I always talk to her,
[03:24.41]But she doesn't talk at all.
[03:27.21]I have a friend.
[03:29.56]We both like to play.
[03:31.84]We go to the park Almost every day.
[03:58.53]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:00.83]dr dress连衣裙
[04:06.41]pr princess公主
[04:12.08]The princess has a dream.
[04:16.92]In her dream,
[04:18.94]she puts on a pretty dress.
[04:21.44]She walks into the forest
[04:24.56]And meets a handsome prince.
[04:26.85]The princess has a dream.
[04:29.26]In her dream,
[04:31.26]she puts on a pretty dress.
[04:34.02]She walks into the forest
[04:36.10]And meets a handsome prince.

