小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 3 Unit 2

[00:11.43]Listen and repeat.
[00:13.89]Point to the correct photo.
[00:17.40]In this photo,在这张照片中,
[00:19.06]the sun is shining.阳光明媚.
[00:22.02]The birds are singing in the trees鸟儿在树上唱歌
[00:25.57]Now look at this photo.现在看这张照片
[00:28.72]We are having our picnic.我们正在野餐.
[00:31.83]The ducks are watching us.鸭子们正看着我们.
[00:34.67]And in this photo,还有这张照片,
[00:37.00]it is raining.正在下雨.
[00:39.55]The ducks are eating our sandwiches.鸭子们正在吃我们的三明治.
[00:48.36]Listen and say.
[00:50.73]Then say the poem.
[01:04.58]The sun is shining on the sea,明媚的阳光照在海面
[01:07.41]shining,shining bright.明媚,皎洁.
[01:09.84]And this is strange,而且这里很奇怪,
[01:11.51]because it is the middle of the night.因为现在正是午夜时刻.
[01:14.80]The moon is shining sadly,月亮悲伤的散发着光芒,
[01:17.30]because it thinks the sun因为它在想太阳
[01:20.13]is wrong to be there in the sky after the day
[01:24.25]is done.太阳是天上的后一天是错误的。
[01:25.71]The sun is very bad,it says,太阳太坏了,它说,
[01:28.66]to come and spoil my fun.它的到来打破了我的欢乐

