小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1

[00:12.92]Listen,point and find"had,went,took,ate".
[00:23.03]I had a very funny day on Saturday.星期六我度过了有趣的一天.
[00:26.36]I went to a park with Simon and his mum.我和西蒙还有他的妈妈去了公园.
[00:30.04]We took sandwiches and we wanted have a picnic.我们带了三明治并想去野餐.
[00:34.77]There was a big lake in the park公园里有一个很大的湖
[00:36.36]and there were lots of ducks.并且湖里有好多鸭子
[00:39.55]Then it started to rain.然后天开始下雨.
[00:41.88]It rained and rained and rained.它不停的下啊下.
[00:44.73]We ran quickly under a tree.我们很快躲到树下.
[00:47.54]We didn't want to get wet.我们不想被淋湿.
[00:50.15]Then those naughty ducks went to our picnic然后那些淘气的鸭子去野餐
[00:54.07]and ate all the sandwiches!然后吃了我们所有的三明治!
[00:56.63]I took some photos for you.我给你带来了一些照片
[00:59.54]So we went home.然后我们就回家了.
[01:01.28]We were wet,hungry我们又湿,又饿,
[01:03.57]and angry with the ducks!并且非常生那些鸭子的气
[01:11.59]Listen and say.
[01:14.85]I had a very funny day.我度过了有趣的一天.
[01:19.16]I took some photos.我带来了一些照片.
[01:23.63]There was a big lake那里有一个大湖
[01:26.09]and there were lots of ducks.并且湖里有好多鸭子

