小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 4 Unit 1

[00:13.38]Listen,point and find words ending in"ing".
[00:20.20]Where's your Mum?你的妈妈在哪儿呢?
[00:21.71]She's at the supermarket.她在超市.
[00:23.78]She's buying things for your birthday party.她在为你的生日宴会买一些东西.
[00:28.06]Am I going to have an American birthday this
[00:32.47]And I'm making you a birthday card.我在给你做生日卡片呢.
[00:36.98]Who can come out to help me?谁能出来帮帮我呀?
[00:38.96]I can't carry them all!我根本搬不动它们.
[00:41.34]Sorry,I can't.对不起,我不能.
[00:43.37]I'm making Daming's birthday card.我正在准备大明的生日卡片.
[00:46.10]I will help you!我来帮你吧!
[00:47.51]Hold on to the balloons,please.请你拿着这些气球
[00:49.99]Oh no!呕,不
[00:53.32]The oranges are falling.桔子掉下来了.
[00:55.70]I can't hold the oranges and the balloons!我不能同时拿着桔子和气球!
[00:59.68]Come on,Simon.快来,西蒙.
[01:01.09]We need your help!我们需要你的帮助!
[01:02.54]You can finish the card later.你可以一会儿再弄那些卡片.
[01:05.78]Get the balloons.拿着这些气球.
[01:10.19]All the balloons are flying away.所有的气球都飞走了!
[01:13.06]Too late!太晚了!
[01:14.37]But look at the sky!但是快看天空!

