小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 10 Unit 2

[00:08.75]Listen and repeat.
[00:15.41]Stand in line!排队!
[00:19.48]Be quiet!安静!
[00:23.68]Don't make so much noise!不要发出声音!
[00:28.56]Turn left!向左转!
[00:31.78]Turn around!转身!
[00:36.22]Turn right!向右转!
[00:41.48]Listen and do.
[00:46.43]Then say and do.
[00:49.45]Stand up!起立!
[00:52.69]Stand in line!排队!
[00:57.24]Say"good morning"to the teacher!向老师说"早上好"
[01:02.49]Point to the blackboard!指着黑板!
[01:06.57]Show me your books!给我看看你的书!
[01:11.19]Sing the song!唱歌!
[01:14.92]Be quiet!安静!
[01:18.85]Sit down!坐下!
[01:26.04]Listen and say.Then sing.
[01:48.12]Boys and girls come out to play.男孩女孩出来玩吧。
[01:50.48]The moon is white.It is like day.月亮是白色的。它像天。
[01:55.73]Leave your dinner and leave your sleep.离开你的晚餐,离开你的睡眠。
[01:58.06]And see all your friends in the street.看看你所有的朋友在街上。
[02:03.38]We can play and fly our kites我们可以玩、放风筝
[02:05.80]and have lots of fun this funny night.,这个有趣的夜晚,很多乐趣。
[02:10.88]The moon is big,the moon is white.月亮大,月亮是白色的。
[02:13.49]We can play together all the night.我们可以一起玩所有的夜晚。

