
[00:01.97]Reading for pleasure
[00:03.98]The Leaf 树叶
[00:06.39]This poor man is from Chu.这是一个来自楚国的穷人
[00:09.61]He is reading a book about science.他在读一本关于科学的书.
[00:13.00]A friend is walking by.一个朋友正好路过.
[00:16.09]Hi,what are you doing? 嗨,你在做什么?
[00:18.38]I'm reading Huai Nan Zi.我在读<淮南子>.
[00:21.70]It is about an insect called mantis.这是关于一个叫螳螂的昆虫。
[00:24.63]I know about the mantis.我知道蟑螂.
[00:26.56]The mantis eats small insects!蟑螂是吃小昆虫的.
[00:28.97]Yes,it does.是的,确实如此。
[00:31.43]But how does it catch the small insects?但是它怎样捕捉小昆虫?
[00:34.47]I don't know.我不知道。
[00:35.87]It holds a leaf in front of its body.它在身体前面一页。
[00:39.29]Then it is invisible!这样就不会被发现.
[00:41.25]The insects can't see it!昆虫也就看不见它了.
[00:43.79]Really?That's very interesting.真的吗?太有意思了.
[00:46.41]I'm going to try it.我也去试试.
[00:50.28]I'm going to find the right leaf!我去寻找合适的叶!
[00:53.30]Good luck! Bye! 祝你好运!再见
[00:57.04]At home.在家里.
[00:59.66]Can you see me?你能看见我吗?
[01:07.53][01:01.75]Yes,I can.是的,我能
[01:05.01]Can you see me now?你现在能看到我吗?
[01:11.21]100 leaves later...100片树叶之后...
[01:13.99]Can you see me now?你现在能看到我吗?
[01:17.75]No.I can't see you now.我现在不能见你。
[01:22.33]Don't take my chicken!别拿走我的鸡!
[01:24.02]You're stealing my rice!你在偷我的大米.
[01:26.32]But you can't see me!但是你看不见我!
[01:28.62]I'm invisible!我是隐身的!
[01:30.52]Of course we can see you,you bad man!我们当然看得见你,你这个坏蛋!

