小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 10 Unit 1

[00:12.33]Listen,point and find"It's fun to..."
[00:21.20]This is a beautiful park,Aunt.这是个漂亮的公园,阿姨.
[00:23.50]Yes.We come here often.是的.我们经常来这里.
[00:27.18]Can we have our picnic now?我们现在可以吃野餐吗?
[00:28.86]I'm hungry.我饿了.
[00:30.14]And I'm thirsty.我渴了.
[00:31.78]Yes,of course.当然可以.
[00:32.90]Here are your sandwiches.这是你们的面包.
[00:34.87]Thank you.谢谢
[00:36.36]Oh no!哦,不
[00:37.54]I didn't bring any drinks!我没带饮料!
[00:39.09]I forgot!我忘了!
[00:40.32]Oh no!哦,不
[00:43.49]Don't worry,Mum.别担心,妈妈.
[00:44.41]We can drink water here!我们可以喝这里的水!
[00:46.13]Only drink clean water!只喝干净的水!
[00:51.60]This water is very clean!这里的水很干净!
[00:53.60]And good.好
[00:54.82]It's fun to drink this way!这样喝水很有趣!
[01:02.93]Listen and say.
[01:09.08]Only drink clean water!只能喝干净的水!
[01:14.37]This water is very clean.这水很干净。
[01:17.70]It's fun to drink this way.这样喝很有趣

