
[00:04.34]The Different Duck
[00:07.26]A duck is sitting on five eggs.一只鸭子坐在五个蛋。
[00:10.33]Then the eggs break and five baby duck come out.然后蛋壳裂和五小鸭子出来。
[00:14.56]The mother duck looks at her babies.鸭妈妈看着她的孩子。
[00:17.87]She has four beautiful baby ducks.她有四只漂亮的宝宝。
[00:20.99]But one is different.但有一只与众不同.
[00:23.00]It is big and brown.它又大又黑.
[00:25.50]It's legs are very long.而且脚很长.
[00:27.81]She doesn't like this baby duck.她不喜欢这只鸭子
[00:30.24]"Go away,"she says to the different duck.“走开,”她说,小鸭子。
[00:33.90]"You are not my baby".你不是我的孩子.
[00:37.65]The different duck says goodbye to its brothers
[00:40.12]and sisters and goes away.小鸭它的兄弟姐妹们去说再见。
[00:42.57]It is sad.小鸭子很伤心.
[00:44.37]Then it sees a pig with its baby pigs.它看见一只猪和它的猪宝宝。
[00:47.41]"Are you my mother?"it asks.“你是我妈妈吗?”它要求。
[00:50.67]No,says the pig.不是,猪说.
[00:53.67]"You're not my baby.你不是我的孩子.
[00:56.14]Go away."走开.
[00:58.10]So the different duck goes away.小鸭子走了.
[01:00.89]Soon it sees a fox.很快它看到了狐狸.
[01:03.46]"Mother,am I your baby?"“妈妈,我是你的孩子吗?”
[01:05.90]the different duck asks the fox.不同的鸭子狐狸问。
[01:09.29]"No,I am not your mother,"says the fox,“不,我不是你们的妈妈,”狐狸说,
[01:14.99]"But I like you.但是我喜欢你.
[01:16.82]I can eat you for dinner."我要把你当晚餐.
[01:25.59]The different duck runs away.小鸭子跑了.
[01:27.82]It is very sad.它很伤心.
[01:29.53]It wants its mother.它想找到妈妈.

