小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 4 unit 11

2015-09-09 15:13:00


[00:01.00]Unit 11 Western festivals第十一单元 西方的节日
[00:05.59]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:19.00]laugh at嘲笑
[00:27.35]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:30.41]1 Easter is on a Sunday in March or April.复活节在三月或四月的一个星期日。
[00:36.18]At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs.在复活节,孩子们通常吃巧克力蛋。
[00:41.42]Halloween is on 31st October.万圣节是在十月三十一号。
[00:47.54]Children in the US and the UK love this festival.美国和英国的孩子们喜欢这个节日。
[00:52.91]They get candy from their neighbours.他们从他们的邻居那里得到糖果。
[00:59.75]Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November.感恩节在十一月的第四个星期四。
[01:05.61]It is a holiday in the US.它是美国的一个假日。
[01:08.94]People usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.人们通常在感恩节吃火鸡。
[01:14.03]Christmas is on 25th December.圣诞节是在十二月二十五号。
[01:19.39]It is an important festival in many Western countries.它是许多西方国家的重要节日。
[01:24.27]People give presents to each other at Christmas.圣诞节人们互赠礼物。
[01:29.11]Children wait for presents from Father Christmas
[01:33.36]on Christmas Eve.孩子们在平安夜等待圣诞老人送的的礼物。
[01:35.40]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:52.22]Read a story故事阅读
[01:54.77]Rudolf's big, red nose大红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫
[01:58.28]Rudolf had a big, red nose.鲁道夫有一个又大又红的鼻子。
[02:04.10]He did not like it
[02:06.11]because his friends laughed at him.由于他的朋友们嘲笑他所以他不喜欢他的鼻子。
[02:09.32]Your nose is funny, Rudolf, Ha! Ha!你的鼻子好好笑,鲁道夫,哈!哈!
[02:14.46]It was Christmas Eve.这年的平安夜,
[02:18.39]Father Christmas was on his way
[02:21.78]to give presents to children.圣诞老人在去给孩子们送礼物的路上,
[02:24.03]Rudolf and his friends helped Father Christmas.鲁道夫和他的朋友帮助圣诞老人。
[02:34.62]Let's go!我们出发了!
[02:37.20]3 The weather was bad.那天的天气很恶劣。
[02:46.33]Father Christmas could not find his way.圣诞老人根本无法找到路。
[02:50.45]Oh, no! Where am I? Help!哦,糟糕!我在哪里?救命啊!
[02:56.14]Rudolf's nose was bright.突然鲁道夫的红鼻子在雾中闪闪发亮。
[03:00.46]Father Christmas could see his way.圣诞老人才能看清他的路。
[03:04.39]Rudolf, is that you? Your nose is so bright!鲁道夫,是你吗?你的鼻子是那么明亮!
[03:09.91]Rudolf took Father Christmas to the children.鲁道夫把圣诞老人安全送到了孩子们身边。
[03:16.30]Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!
[03:24.85]Rudolf was happy.鲁道夫很高兴。
[03:28.55]He loved his big, red nose.从此他爱他的大红鼻子了。
[03:31.43]His friends loved it too.他的朋友们也喜欢上它了。
[03:34.60]You have a great nose. Rudolf.你有一个伟大的鼻子,鲁道夫。
[03:38.80]Sing a song唱歌
[03:41.48]Jingle bells铃儿响叮当
[03:51.51]Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh,
[03:56.22]Over the fields we go.
[03:58.72]Laughing all the way.
[04:01.18]Bells on bobtail ring,
[04:03.67]Making spirits bright.
[04:06.12]What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight.
[04:40.98][04:10.88]Jingle bells,
[04:42.25][04:12.82]jingle bells,
[04:43.40][04:14.02]Jingle all the way.
[04:45.87][04:16.48]Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
[04:50.83][04:21.53]Jingle bells, jingle bells.
[04:53.23][04:24.02]Jingle all the way.
[04:55.67][04:26.46]Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
[05:06.09]Learn the sounds学习发音
[05:08.70]afraid of害怕
[05:12.19]last time上次
[05:15.60]talk about it谈论它
[05:19.77]a lot of很多
[05:23.32]turn off关上
[05:26.81]bread and milk面包和牛奶
[05:31.01]pick up捡起
[05:33.63]want to想要
[05:37.32]Listen and say.听录音,开口说。
[05:40.47]1 Let's see.1 让我们看看。
[05:43.78]2 Good afternoon.2 下午好。
[05:47.70]3 Taste it.3 尝尝它。
[05:51.08]4 Colour it.4 给它涂颜色。
[05:54.34]5 Cut it out.5 住手。
[05:58.50]6 What about you?6 你呢?



