小学英语人教(12版三起点)五年级下册Unit 4 a

2015-06-29 15:08:00

[00:03.23]UNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 你在干什么?
[00:07.87]Let's start 开始吧
[00:09.98]What are they doing?他们在干什么?
[00:12.80]Match and say. 配一配,说一说.
[00:15.69]Let's chant ……
[00:42.77]Hi,Zhang Peng.嗨,张鹏.
[00:45.27]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[00:48.29]I'm drawing pictures.我在画画.
[00:51.80]Can I speak to your mom,please?
[00:57.23]What is she doing?她在干什么?
[01:00.78]She's doing the dishes.她在洗餐具.
[01:03.91]Hold on,please.请等一下.
[01:07.08]A Let's learn 学一学
[01:10.81]cooking dinner 做晚餐
[01:13.10]drawing pictures 画画
[01:16.11]doing the dishes 洗餐具
[01:18.96]answering the phone 接电话
[01:21.79]reading a book 读书
[01:24.15]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[01:26.08]I am doing the dishes.我在洗餐具.
[01:29.23]Let's play 做一做
[01:31.34]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[01:34.35]I'm drawing pictures.我在画画.
[01:37.85]Activity活动     Name姓名
[01:41.53]Wu Yifan 吴一凡
[01:44.21]drawing pictures 画画
[01:47.03]answering the phone 接电话
[01:50.26]cooking dinner 做晚饭
[01:52.90]doing the dishes 洗餐具
[01:55.80]reading a book 看书
[01:58.31]Let's try
[02:00.41]Listen and tick 听一听,做记号
[02:05.83]Hi,Sarah.It's Jone.莎拉.我是琼.
[02:08.25]Hi,Jone.What are you doing?嗨,琼.你在干什么?
[02:10.61]I'm reading a book.我在看书.
[02:12.48]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[02:14.11]I'm doing the dishes.我在洗餐具.
[02:16.64]What is Jone doing?琼在干什么?
[02:19.15]What is Sarah doing?莎拉在干什么?
[02:21.66]Let's talk
[02:25.12]Hi,Amy.嗨,艾米. It's Chen Jie.我是张鹏.
[02:27.42]Hi,Chen Jie.What are you doing?你在干什么?
[02:28.95]I'm drawing pictures.我在画画.
[02:30.38]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[02:33.03]I'm reading a book.我在看书.
[02:37.15]Pair work 结对练习
[02:42.12]Hi.This is Chen Jie.嗨.我是陈洁.
[02:46.57]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[02:49.00]I'm doing the dishes.我在洗餐具.
[02:51.95]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[02:54.84]I'm drawing pictures.我在画画.
[02:58.95]Read and write 读一读,写一写.
[03:03.42]Hi,John.This is Zhang Peng.嗨,约翰,这是张鹏.
[03:06.35]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[03:07.89]I am talking to you.我正在和你说话.
[03:09.93]Come on,John.快告诉我,约翰.
[03:11.22]What are you doing?你在干什么?
[03:12.81]I'm doing the dishes.我在洗餐具.
[03:14.62]What are you doing?
[03:15.99]I'm reading a book.我在看书.
[03:17.98]Do you want to go to the Children's Center?
[03:20.72]Sure.What time!当然,什么时候?
[03:24.02]OK.See you later.一会见.
[03:28.19]Let's play 做一做
[03:33.20]Do an action.做动作了.
[03:36.80]What are you doing,Sarah?莎拉,你在干什么?
[03:41.38]I'm answering the phone.我在接电话.
[03:45.79]What are you doing,Amy?艾米,你在干什么?
[03:49.95]I'm doing the dishes.我在洗餐具.



