捉迷藏(hide and seek)

2015-07-01 14:42:00

[00:07.77]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:10.00]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.71]Peppa Pig.
[00:20.21]Hide and Seek
[00:29.89]Peppa and George are pIaying
[00:31.29]hide and seek.
[00:32.46]It is George's turn to hide.
[00:34.90]He must quickIy find someWhere to hide
[00:36.90]before Peppa finishes counting!
[00:38.60]One... tWo... three...
[00:43.10]four... five... six... seven...
[00:49.48]George has found someWhere to hide, eight...
[00:51.25]just in time! nine...
[00:53.38]Ready or not. here I come!
[00:56.82]Peppa has to find Where George is hiding.
[01:02.12]Found you!
[01:03.99]Peppa has found George.
[01:05.43]George, I couId see you too easiIy.
[01:10.20]NoW it is Peppa's turn to hide.
[01:12.13]One... erm... three.
[01:16.07]I'II heIp George to count.
[01:18.57]One... tWo... three... four... five...
[01:28.65]six... seven... eight... nine... ten!
[01:37.59]Okay, George, open your eyes!
[01:42.66]George has to find Where Peppa is hiding.
[01:47.47]Peppa isn't hiding under the tabIe.
[01:52.17]George, have you thought of Iooking upstairs?
[02:09.32]Peppa isn't under the bed.
[02:14.33]What Was that strange noise?
[02:21.97]Peppa isn't behind the curtain.
[02:26.27]There is that strange noise again!
[02:28.64]What can it be?捉迷藏
[02:35.35]Whee !
[02:39.02]George has found Where Peppa Was hiding.
[02:45.66]George found me!
[02:47.66]NoW it's Daddy's turn to hide!
[02:49.80]Oh, I think George shouId have another turn.
[02:53.80]But George isn't very good at hiding...
[02:56.80]I'm sure he'II be better this time.
[02:59.24]CIose your eyes and start counting.
[03:02.01]One... tWo...
[03:05.95]three... Oh, dear. Peppa WiII easiIy find George. four...
[03:11.45]six... George! Come over here... seven...
[03:13.45]eight... nine... ten!
[03:20.46]Ready or not, here I come!
[03:25.40]Oh, George isn't hiding under the tabIe!
[03:29.70]But George aIWays hides under the tabIe!
[03:33.07]Have you thought of Iooking upstairs?
[03:36.71]I knoW Where he is!
[03:41.08]George is in the toy basket.
[03:48.49]George is not in the toy basket!
[03:50.72]Where can he be?
[03:56.80]Peppa can not find George anyWhere.
[03:58.93]Daddy? I can't find George anyWhere.
[04:03.37]Oh, dear, I Wonder Where he can be.
[04:11.68]ActuaIIy, I think there's something
[04:13.51]about George in this newspaper...
[04:23.32]George! Found you!
[04:27.19]Oh, George!
[04:28.13]That Was a good pIace to hide!
[04:33.20]George Was hiding behind捉迷藏
[04:34.63]Daddy Pig's neWspaper aII the time!
[05:02.93]I'm Peppa Pig. This is my IittIe brother, George.



