小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 4 unit 12


[00:01.00]Unit 12 The giant's garden第十二单元 《巨人的花园》
[00:04.61]1 A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden.1 有一个巨人住在一栋带有漂亮花园的大房子里。
[00:14.58]They have a lot of fun there.孩子们喜欢在花园里玩耍。
[00:11.61]Children like to play in the garden.他们在那里玩得很开心。
[00:17.56]2 The giant finds the children in his garden.2 巨人看到孩子们在他的花园里玩耍,
[00:22.94]He is very angry.他很生气。
[00:25.68]Get out! Get out!出去!出去!
[00:29.32]3 The giant builds a tall wall around his garden.3 巨人在花园周围砌了一堵高墙,
[00:35.18]Now the children cannot play in his garden.现在孩子们不能在他的花园里玩了。
[00:38.97]4 Soon Miss Spring comes.4 不久春姑娘来了,
[00:44.26]She brings beautiful flowers and birds,她带来了美丽的鲜花和小鸟。
[00:47.59]but she does not bring any to the giant's garden.但她没有把任何鲜花和小鸟带到巨人的花园里。
[00:52.22]5 "It's cold here. Where's Miss Spring?" 5 “这里太冷了。春姑娘去哪了?”
[00:57.83]The giant looks at his garden and feels sad.巨人看着他的花园,感到很伤心。
[01:02.67]6 Miss Spring,Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant.6 春姑娘、夏姑娘和秋姑娘都不来看望巨人。
[01:10.89]It is always winter in the giant's garden.在巨人的花园里,一直都是冬天。
[01:14.83]I don't like the giant.我不喜欢这个巨人。
[01:17.35]He's not kind to children.他对孩子们不友好。
[01:20.53]No entry!禁止进入!
[01:23.68]7 One morning, the giant hears some lovely sounds.7 一天早上,巨人突然听到了动听的歌声。
[01:29.52]He sees some beautiful flowers too.他也看到了一些美丽的鲜花,
[01:32.92]The giant is very happy.他非常开心。
[01:36.57]Hooray! Miss Spring is here!万岁!春姑娘来这了!
[01:41.11]8 The giant finds some children in his garden.8 巨人又看到了一些孩子在他的花园里,
[01:45.75]They are coming through a hole.他们正从围墙的小洞爬进花园里。
[01:48.58]They bring Miss Spring to his garden!是他们把春姑娘带到他的花园里的!
[01:52.42]9 The giant knocks down the wall around his garden.9 巨人推倒了围墙,
[01:58.39]Miss Spring never comes late again.从此春姑娘再也没有迟到过。
[02:02.15]Children, you can play in my garden any time.孩子们,你们随时都可以来我的花园玩耍了。

