小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 4 unit 11


[00:01.00]Unit 11 Chinese festivals第十一单元 中国的节日
[00:05.17]Listen and say听录音,并练习说
[00:08.02]1 The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year.1 春节在每年的一月或二月。
[00:15.42]It is an important Chinese festival.它是中国的一个重要节日。
[00:18.76]People also call it Chinese New Year.人们也叫它中国的新年。
[00:22.58]2 On Chinese New Year's Eve,2 在中国的除夕夜,
[00:27.05]families have a big dinner together.家人聚在一起享用丰盛的晚餐。
[00:29.93]They often eat fish and dumplings.他们通常吃鱼和饺子。
[00:33.69]3 People visit their friends and relatives.3 人们拜访他们的亲戚朋友。
[00:38.99]Children often get red packets with some money in them.孩子们经常得到里面放着钱的红包。
[00:44.49]4 People also watch fireworks at night.4 人们也在晚上看烟花。
[00:49.14]They like the beautiful fireworks very much.他们非常喜欢美丽的烟花。
[00:53.27]Look and learn看图学节日
[00:55.96]the Spring Festival春节
[01:02.02]the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节
[01:08.13]the Double Ninth Festival重阳节
[01:14.95]Read a story故事阅读
[01:17.60]The story of Nian年兽的故事
[01:20.72]1 Nian is a monster.1 年兽是一个怪物。
[01:25.11]He lives in the hills.他住在山里。
[01:27.61]At the end of every year,在每年年末,
[01:30.03]he goes into the village and eats people!他进入村里吃人!
[01:33.97]2 One day, an old man comes to the village.2 一天,一位老人来到这个村里。
[01:40.19]Nian is afraid of the colour red.年兽害怕红色。
[01:43.63]3 Soon it is the last day of the year.3 不久就是这年的最后一天。
[01:49.22]Nian comes down from the hills.年兽从山上下来。
[01:52.69]He sees red paper on the doors and windows.他看见门上、窗户上张贴着红纸,
[01:57.16]He also sees red firecrackers.他也看到红色的爆竹。
[02:01.14]He feels afraid and runs back into the hills.他感到害怕,就逃回了山里。
[02:06.42]4 The people in the village never see Nian again.4 从此村子里的人们再也没见过年兽。
[02:12.50]They use red things and light firecrackers at the Spring Festival every year.每年春节他们都使用红色的东西并燃放爆竹。

