小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 4 unit 10


[00:01.00]Module 4 Things we enjoy第四模块 我们欣赏的事物
[00:06.10]Unit 10 Great storybooks第十单元 伟大的故事书
[00:10.28]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:13.43]fairy tale童话(故事)
[00:34.35]blow off吹掉
[00:38.14]take off脱掉
[00:42.07]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:44.78]Do you remember the stories "The emperor's new clothes"
[00:49.97]and "The ugly duckling"?你还记得《皇帝的新衣》和《丑小鸭》的故事吗?
[00:51.63]Andersen wrote the stories.这些是安徒生写的故事。
[00:54.39]He was a Danish writer.他是丹麦作家。
[00:56.97]He wrote a lot of interesting fairy tales and stories.他写了很多有趣的童话故事。
[01:02.23]Children around the world enjoy reading his stories.世界各地的孩子们都喜欢读他的故事。
[01:07.83]The stories "Snow White",《白雪公主》、
[01:10.36]"Little Red Riding Hood" and "Cinderella" are
[01:14.62]from Grimms' Fairy Tales.《小红帽》和《灰姑娘》的故事都出自格林童话。
[01:17.54]The Grimm brothers were German writers.格林兄弟是德国作家。
[01:21.25]They collected a lot of stories.他们收集了很多故事。
[01:24.50]Both adults and children like their stories.成年人和儿童都喜欢他们的故事。
[01:29.36]Aesop's Fables is another great book.《伊索寓言》是另一本伟大的书。
[01:33.75]Most stories in this book are about animals.这本书的大部分故事都是关于动物的。
[01:38.30]The animals in the stories can talk.故事里的动物会说话。
[01:42.15]Some well-known stories are "The fox and the grapes",一些著名的故事《狐狸和葡萄》、
[01:47.33]"The farmer and the snake" and "The wind and the sun".《农夫与蛇》和《风与太阳》,
[01:52.41]We can usually learn something from these stories.我们通常可以从这些故事中学到一些道理。
[01:57.25]Look and learn看图学故事
[02:00.02]Aesop's Fables《伊索寓言》
[02:05.15]Andersen's Fairy Tales《安徒生童话》
[02:11.56]Grimms' Fairy Tales《格林童话》
[02:17.54]Read a story故事阅读
[02:20.15]The wind and the sun《风与太阳》
[02:22.52]from Aesop's Fables出自:《伊索寓言》
[02:25.66]"I," said Mr Wind.“我,”风先生说。
[02:28.28]"Am stronger than you."”我比你强壮。”
[02:30.76]"You're not." said Mr Sun.“你没有。”太阳先生说。
[02:33.59]"I'm stronger than you."“我比你强壮。”
[02:35.96]"All right," said Mr Wind,“好了,”风先生说,
[02:39.21]"See how hard I blow." “看我怎么努力地吹。”
[02:41.93]"Oh, yes." said Mr Sun,“哦,是的。”太阳先生说,
[02:44.99]"I can make the plants grow."“我可以让植物生长。”
[02:48.13]"That man." said Mr Wind,“那个人”。风先生说,
[02:51.34]"I'll blow off his clothes." “我可以把他的外套吹下来。”
[02:53.60]"Let's see,' said Mr Sun.“我们走着瞧吧,”太阳先生说。
[02:56.68]And behind a cloud he went.然后他就躲到一片云后面去了。
[02:59.98]"I'm cold." said the man,“我很冷。”那人说,
[03:02.62]"I'll put on my scarf."“我要戴上我的围巾。”
[03:04.79]"I told you," said Mr Sun.“我告诉过你,”太阳先生说。
[03:07.55]And He began to laugh.他开始大笑起来。
[03:09.88]"Your turn," said Mr Wind.“轮到你了,”风先生说。
[03:12.76]"I had mine." "OK," said Mr Sun.”我已经试过我的方法了。”“好的,”太阳先生说。
[03:17.34]Then he began to shine.然后他开始闪耀阳光。
[03:20.08]"I'm hot," said the man.“我好热,”那人说。
[03:22.52]"I'll go swimming."”我要去游泳。”
[03:24.32]And he took off his clothes.然后他就把衣服脱下来了。
[03:26.58]"See," said Mr Sun.“看,”太阳先生说。
[03:29.38]"I  win, Mr Wind."“我赢了,风先生。”
[03:32.46]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:34.95]Do you like skating? Yes, I do.你喜欢滑冰吗?是的,我喜欢。
[03:45.15]Do you like dancing? No, I don't.你喜欢跳舞吗?不,我不喜欢。
[03:54.94]What animals do you like? I like tigers.你喜欢什么动物?我喜欢老虎。
[04:06.75]When's Children's Day? It's on 1st June.儿童节是什么时候?在六月一号。
[04:18.29]Listen and say.听录音,开口说。
[04:21.72]1 Are these pens yours? 1 这些钢笔是你的吗?
[04:26.08]Yes, they are.是的,它们是我的。
[04:28.46]2 Did you play basketball yesterday?2 你昨天打篮球了吗?
[04:34.04]No, I didn't.不,我没打。
[04:36.85]3 Where do you live? I live on May Street.3 你住在哪里?我住在5月街。

