小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 3 unit 9


[00:01.00]Unit 9 Reusing things第九单元 重新利用
[00:05.51]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:22.41]pen holder笔筒
[00:33.14]rubbish bin垃圾桶
[00:47.39]throw away扔掉
[00:51.67]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:54.77]1 Mum, can I throw away these bottles and cans?妈妈,我可以扔掉这些瓶瓶罐罐?
[01:02.58]No. We should keep them.别,我们应该留着它们。
[01:06.07]Why, Mum?为什么,妈妈?
[01:08.46]Because we can reuse them.因为我们可以重新利用它们。
[01:11.17]Let me show you.我展示给你看。
[01:13.46]Look, Alice.你看,爱丽丝。
[01:16.41]We can clean this small can 我们可以把这个小金属罐擦干净,
[01:19.99]and put your rubbers and crayons in it.然后就可以把你的橡皮和蜡笔放里面了。
[01:23.26]That's a good idea!这真是一个好主意!
[01:26.55]We can put some flowers in this bottle.我们可以把一些花插到这个瓶子里。
[01:31.11]Then it'll be a vase!那么它将变成一个花瓶!
[01:34.36]That's right. We can reuse other old things too.对了。我们也可以重复利用其他的废旧物品。
[01:39.97]Do you have any ideas, Alice?你有想法吗,爱丽丝?
[01:43.38]Yes. Look at this big can.是的。看这个大金属罐。
[01:47.93]I can put my pens, pencils and rulers in it.我可以把我的钢笔、铅笔和尺子放里面。
[01:53.09]It's the right size!它大小正合适!
[01:55.30]It'll be a nice pen holder.这将是一个很好的笔筒。
[01:58.21]Good idea, Alice!好主意,爱丽丝!
[02:01.79]Look and learn看图学习单词
[02:11.67]pen holder笔筒
[02:19.04]Look and read看图读短文
[02:21.72]The journey of a plastic bottle塑料瓶旅行记
[03:15.68]Listen and enjoy边听边欣赏
[03:43.17][03:21.75]Save some paper cups,
[03:45.47][03:24.06]And find a little piece of string.
[03:48.01][03:26.79]Use them to make toy phones,
[03:50.40][03:28.95]And you can talk and sing!
[03:54.21][03:31.41]When you find waste paper,
[03:56.42][03:33.77]Don't throw it away.
[03:58.92][03:36.65]Use it to make paper planes.
[04:01.35][03:38.73]Then take them outside to play.
[04:07.84]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:10.65]Peter is my friend.彼得是我的朋友。
[04:16.99]In summer, it is hot.夏季天热。
[04:23.58]There is a bird in the tree.树上有只鸟。
[04:31.35]It's red and white.它是红色和白色的。
[04:38.64]What did you see?你看到了什么?
[04:44.48]When's your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?
[04:50.28]Listen and say.听录音,开口说。

