小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 3 unit 8


[00:01.00]Unit 8 Buying clothes第八单元 买衣服
[00:03.84]Which dress do you like,你喜欢哪条裙子,
[00:06.57]the blue one or the pink one?蓝色那条还是粉色那条?
[00:09.68]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:13.04]1 Which dress do you like,1 你喜欢哪条裙子,
[00:16.41]the blue one or the pink one?蓝色那条还是粉色那条?
[00:19.75]I like the pink one.我喜欢粉色那条。
[00:22.06]Pink is my favourite colour. 粉色是我最喜欢的颜色。
[00:25.55]I like the blue one too.我也喜欢蓝色那条,
[00:28.12]It's beautiful.它很漂亮。
[00:30.35]You can try both on.你可以两条都试穿。
[00:32.58]That's great!那太好了!
[00:35.36]2 Which pair of trousers do you like,2 你喜欢哪条裤子,
[00:39.78]the white one or the brown one?白色那条还是棕色那条?
[00:43.01]I like the brown one.我喜欢棕色那条。
[00:45.27]Here you are. It's your size.给你。这是你的尺码。
[00:48.34]OK. I'll try on the trousers.好的。我将试穿这条裤子。
[00:51.76]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:10.85]Read a story故事阅读
[01:13.56]The emperor's new clothes《皇帝的新衣》
[01:17.82]1 There is an emperor.1 有一个皇帝,
[01:21.83]He likes beautiful clothes.他喜欢漂亮的衣服。
[01:25.03]One day, a man visits him with some nice clothes.一天,一个人带着一些漂亮的衣服来拜访他。
[01:30.21]"Which shirt do you like?" the man asks.“您喜欢哪件衬衫?”这个人问。
[01:33.76]"I like the green one," says the emperor.“我喜欢绿色那件,”皇帝说。
[01:39.34]2 "I also have some magic clothes for you.2 “我还有一些魔法衣服给您。
[01:44.61]They're in this box," says the man.它们在这个盒子里,”这个人说。
[01:47.41]"Only clever people can see them!"“只有聪明人才能看到它们!”
[01:51.29]3 The emperor cannot see any clothes,3 皇帝并未看见任何衣服,
[01:56.39]but he nods with a big smile.但他却笑着点头。
[01:58.88]The man cries,这个人叫喊着:
[02:01.32]"Oh, the emperor is so clever!"“哦,皇帝真是聪明!”
[02:05.20]The emperor puts on the "new clothes" and gives the man a lot of money.皇帝穿上了这件“新衣”并赏给了这个人很多钱。
[02:11.59]4 The emperor walks in the street in his "new clothes".4 皇帝穿着“新衣”走在大街上。
[02:17.39]People keep quiet, but a child laughs,人们保持安静,但是一个小孩大笑起来:
[02:20.74]"Look! He isn't wearing any clothes!"“看!他没穿衣服!”
[02:26.33]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:28.67]ou mouse老鼠
[02:38.00]ow owl猫头鹰
[02:51.20]A tiny little mouse Is bowing to a cow.
[02:56.20]A big brown owl Is flying in the clouds.
[03:01.03]The owl wants to Catch the mouse.
[03:03.48]It hits the cow  And calls out "Ouch! Ouch!"
[03:08.28]A tiny little mouse Is bowing to a cow.
[03:13.03]A big brown owl Is flying in the clouds.
[03:17.98]The owl wants to Catch the mouse.
[03:20.47]It hits the cow  And calls out "Ouch! Ouch!"

