小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 3 unit 7


[00:01.00]Unit 7 Open Day第七单元 学校的开放日
[00:03.62]First, they'll visit our classroom.首先,他们将参观我们的教室。
[00:08.28]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:10.61]The Open Day is on 30th April.学校的开放日在四月三十号。
[00:15.45]Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.郭老师正在问孩子们关于那天的问题。
[00:19.80]Children, your parents will come to our school
[00:25.14]at two o'clock in the afternoon.孩子们,你们的父母将在下午两点来我们学校。
[00:27.95]I'll meet them at the school gate.我将会在校门口迎接他们。
[00:31.19]What will they do first? 他们首先要做什么?
[00:33.78]Can you tell me?你们可以告诉我吗?
[00:35.70]First, they'll visit our classroom.首先,他们将参观我们的教室。
[00:39.92]That's right. What will they do next?正确。接下来他们要做什么呢?
[00:43.37]Next, they'll visit the art room.接下来,他们将参观美术室。
[00:47.46]Then they'll go to the hall.然后他们将去礼堂。
[00:51.15]After that, they'll go to the library.随后,他们将参观图书馆。
[00:55.00]Finally, they'll meet the teachers in the meeting room.最后,他们将在会议室与老师们见面。
[01:00.80]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:03.67]art room美术室
[01:07.56]meeting room会议室
[01:15.94]school gate校门口
[01:20.39]Look and read看图读短文
[01:23.09]School Open Day学校开放日
[01:25.64]1 It is two o'clock in the afternoon.1 现在是下午两点钟。
[01:30.12]Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate.郭老师在校门口迎接家长们。
[01:34.25]2 First, Ms Guo takes the parents to the classroom.2 首先,郭老师将父家长们带到教室里。
[01:40.93]She tells them about the lessons.她告诉他们有关的课程。
[01:43.70]3 Next, they go to the art room.3 接下来,他们去了美术室。
[01:48.42]The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.孩子们给家长展示了一些漂亮的图画。
[01:54.07]4 Then they go to the hall.4 然后他们去礼堂。
[01:57.38]The children sing for their parents.孩子们唱歌给家长听。
[02:00.27]5 After that, they go to the library.5 随后,他们去了图书馆。
[02:05.26]They look at the homework and projects on the board.他们看板报上的家庭作业和课题。
[02:09.53]6 Finally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers
[02:15.42]in the meeting room.6 最后,他们和老师们在会议室喝茶吃蛋糕。
[02:17.33]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:19.96]air hair头发
[02:30.37]are Clare克莱尔
[02:40.52]ear bear熊
[02:52.28]Can you see the bear, Clare?
[02:54.64]It has long, brown hair.
[02:57.05]And it's eating a yellow pear.
[02:59.43]Clare, don't go near that bear!
[03:04.28]Can you see the bear, Clare?
[03:06.95]It has long, brown hair.
[03:09.10]And it's eating a yellow pear.
[03:11.60]Clare, don't go near that bear!

