小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 2 unit 5


[00:01.00]Unit 5 At the weekend第五单元 在周末
[00:04.13]What are you going to do this weekend?这个周末你们要做什么?
[00:08.49]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:10.94]Children, what are you going to do this weekend?孩子们,这个周末你们要做什么?
[00:15.77]I'm going to stay at home and watch TV with my grandparents.我将待在家里和祖父母一起看电视。
[00:20.99]I'm going to play football on Sunday.我周日打算去踢足球。
[00:24.21]It's my favourite sport.它是我最喜欢的运动。
[00:26.78]I'm going to see a film with my parents on Saturday afternoon.我打算在周六晚上和父母去看电影。
[00:32.54]I'm going to row a boat and fly a kite in the park on Sunday.我周日打算去公园划船、放风筝。
[00:39.53]I don't have any plans for the weekend.我周末没有什么计划安排。
[00:43.05]Do you want to come with me, Alice?你想要和我一起去吗,爱丽丝?
[00:46.16]Sure. Thank you, Kitty.当然,谢谢你,凯蒂。
[00:49.99]Look and learn看图学短语
[00:52.36]row a boat划船
[00:57.31]see a film看电影
[01:02.51]Read a story故事阅读
[01:07.49]1 It is raining,1 天在下雨,
[01:10.71]but Little Monkey does not have a house.但是小猴子没有房子。
[01:14.29]He sleeps in a tree.他睡在一棵树上。
[01:17.05]"I need a house," he thinks.“我需要一所房子,”他想。
[01:19.97]"I'm going to build one tomorrow."“明天我要建一所房子。”
[01:22.78]The next day is Sunday.第二天是星期日。
[01:26.30]"It's Sunday today," he thinks.“今天是星期日,”他想:
[01:29.20]"I'm not going to work."“我不打算去上班。”
[01:31.92]2 On the third day, he finds a swing.2 第三天,它找到了一个秋千。
[01:37.63]"I'm going to play on it today,"“今天我要玩荡秋千,”
[01:40.04]he says to his friend Little Rabbit.他对他的朋友小兔子说。
[01:43.24]Little Monkey plays every day.小猴子每天都在玩。
[01:47.15]3 On the sixth day, it is raining again.3 第六天,天又下雨了。
[01:53.31]"Oh, no!" Little Monkey cries.“哦,不!”小猴子哭喊着。
[01:56.80]"I'm going to build my house tomorrow!"“明天我要建造我的房子!”
[02:00.01]"You should build your house now," says Little Rabbit.“你应该现在就建造你的房子,”小兔子说。
[02:06.18]"Don't wait until tomorrow."“今日事,今日毕。”
[02:10.30]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:12.85]o Flo弗洛
[02:21.76]oa goat山羊
[02:30.39]oe Joe乔
[02:42.15]Joe is eating toast In the boat.
[02:46.72]We can see his dirty toes.
[02:49.26]Flo is playing with a goat In the boat.
[02:54.13]We can see her purple coat.
[02:56.50]Fol and Joe In the boat Say to the goat,
[03:00.68]"Hello! Let's go!" Joe is eating toast In the boat.
[03:10.32]We can see his dirty toes.
[03:12.84]Flo is playing with a goat In the boat.
[03:17.66]We can see her purple coat.
[03:20.18]Fol and Joe In the boat Say to the goat,
[03:23.57]"Hello! Let's go!"

