小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 2 unit 4


[00:01.00]Unit 4 Reading is fun第四单元 阅读是有趣的
[00:04.33]I'm going to read a story every day.我将每天读一个故事。
[00:08.99]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:11.63]1 Look, Alice.1 看,爱丽丝。
[00:15.19]There are many storybooks.这有很多故事书。
[00:18.07]I'm going to buy one.我要买一本。
[00:20.46]I'm going to look at the picture books over there.我要去那边看图画书。
[00:26.23]2 Do you like this picture book?2 你喜欢这本图画书吗?
[00:30.37]Yes. It's fun.喜欢,它很有趣。
[00:33.01]There are many beautiful pictures in it.这里面有很多漂亮的图画。
[00:36.23]What are the pictures about?关于什么的图画?
[00:38.87]They're pictures of different places in China.它们是中国不同地方的图画。
[00:42.96]I'm going to visit these places in the future.将来我要去参观这些地方。
[00:46.82]What are you reading? 你在读什么?
[00:49.00]Is it a storybook?它是一本故事书吗?
[00:50.99]Yes. It's Stories for Children.是的。它是《儿童故事》。
[00:54.73]I'm going to read a story every day.我将每天读一个故事。
[00:58.79]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:18.21]Look and read看图读短文
[01:20.84]Book Week读书周
[01:22.84]Book Week is coming!读书周要来了!
[01:25.94]The students in Class 5A are going to make posters
[01:31.52]about the best stories for children.5A班的学生将要制作关于给《给孩子们最好的故事》的海报。
[01:34.69]They are going to write about the writers and the stories.他们要写一些关于作者和故事的内容。
[01:39.43]They are going to take some photos of the books too.他们也要给这些书拍些照片。
[01:43.68]The boys are going to do a survey
[01:47.45]about children's favourite books.男生要去做一个关于“孩子们最喜欢的书”的调查。
[01:50.27]The girls are going to read a play and then act it out.女生要去读一个剧本然后表演。
[01:56.37]Learn the sounds学习发音
[01:58.93]i five五
[02:07.16]ie pie馅饼
[02:19.56]Mike has nine apple pies.
[02:22.02]He gives me five And puts four in a line,
[02:26.73]And says, "These are mine." Mike eats his four apple pies.
[02:31.69]Then he smiles and says, "The apple pies are nice!
[02:36.18]Now I want your French fries!"
[02:41.64]Mike has nine apple pies.
[02:44.12]He gives me five And puts four in a line, And says,
[02:49.45]"These are mine." Mike eats his four apple pies.
[02:53.87]Then he smiles and says, "The apple pies are nice!
[02:58.23]Now I want your French fries!"

