小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级下module 3 unit 7


[00:02.00]Module 3 My colourful life模块三 我多彩的生活
[00:06.02]Unit 7 My day第七单元 我的一天
[00:09.35]Words and Expressions单词和词组
[00:35.15]get up起床
[00:43.25]half past...……点半
[00:47.16]have a breakfast吃早餐
[00:51.15]go to school去上学
[01:00.48]have lunch吃午餐
[01:04.34]have dinner吃晚餐
[01:07.96]go to bed上床睡觉
[01:11.37]Kitty goes to school at a quarter to eight.凯蒂七点四十五分去上学。
[01:15.88]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[01:18.56]1 Kitty gets up at seven o'clock.凯蒂七点钟起床。
[01:23.84]2 Kitty brushes her teeth at a quarter
[01:28.07]past seven.凯蒂七点十五时刷牙。
[01:30.47]3 Kitty and her mother have breakfast together.凯蒂和她的妈妈一起吃早餐。
[01:36.21]What time is it, Mum?妈妈,现在几点了?
[01:39.16]It's half past seven.七点半了。
[01:42.58]4 Kitty goes to school at a quarter to eight.凯蒂七点四十五分去上学。
[01:48.09]Look and learn看图片,听录音,学习新单词
[01:50.44]get up起床
[01:53.25]brush my teeth刷牙
[01:57.33]wash my face洗脸
[02:01.60]have breakfast吃早饭
[02:05.87]have lunch吃午饭
[02:09.86]have dinner吃晚饭
[02:13.25]Enjoy a story故事欣赏
[02:16.02]Min and Mog
[02:18.35]1 Min and Mog get up at seven o'clock
[02:23.05]in the evening.Min和Mog晚上七点钟起床。
[02:25.31]Good evening, Mog!晚上好,Mog。
[02:28.88]Good evening, Min!晚上好,Min。
[02:33.58]2 They have dinner at half past seven.他们在七点半吃晚饭。
[02:39.12]How's the fish?这鱼怎么样?
[02:42.26]It's wonderful!味道很好。
[02:45.01]3 At eight o'clock,they start to work.八点钟,他们开始工作。
[02:49.75]They catch a lot of mice.他们捉了很多老鼠。
[02:55.21]Don't run!别跑!
[02:57.28]4 Min and Mog go to bed at six o'clock
[03:02.55]in the morning. They are tired.4 Min和Mog早上六点钟睡觉。他们累坏了。
[03:09.37]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:12.86]turn off关闭
[03:18.41]take off脱下
[03:25.99]Turn off the light.It's too bright.
[03:30.75]Take off the coat.It's too hot.
[03:35.49]Where's the fan?Please turn it on.
[03:40.37]Turn off the light.It's too bright.
[03:45.27]Take off the coat.It's too hot.
[03:50.14]Where's the fan?Please turn it on.

