小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级下module 2 unit 6


[00:02.00]Unit 6 Music第六单元 音乐
[00:04.57]Words and Expressions单词和词组
[00:33.67]play the violin拉小提琴
[00:38.01]play the guitar弹吉他
[00:42.04]Whose guitar is it? It's Joe's guitar.这是谁的吉他?是乔的吉他。
[00:47.64]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:50.05]1 I like music.It's wonderful.我喜欢音乐。音乐使人愉悦。
[00:56.07]Do you like music, Jill?吉尔,你喜欢音乐吗?
[00:58.96]Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。
[01:01.81]2 I can play the violin.我会拉小提琴。
[01:06.53]Can you play the violin?你会拉小提琴吗?
[01:09.60]No, I can't.不,我不会。
[01:12.52]What can you play?你会演奏什么?
[01:15.27]I can play the guitar.我会弹吉他。
[01:18.23]3 Is that your guitar?那是你的吉他吗?
[01:22.93]No, it isn't. My guitar is at home.不,不是。我的吉他在家里。
[01:28.29]4 Whose guitar is it? 这是谁的吉他?
[01:32.65]It's Joe's guitar. Look at the name.是乔的吉他。看名字。
[01:37.44]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:48.67]Enjoy a story故事欣赏
[01:51.32]Magic music魔乐
[01:53.47]1 There are many mice in the city.城里出现了很多老鼠。
[02:03.04]2 One day, a man comes.一天,来了一个男人。
[02:07.89]I can help you.Give me a bag of gold!我能帮助你们。给我一袋金子!
[02:14.51]3 The man plays magic music.这个男人演奏魔乐。
[02:25.52]All the mice walk behind him.所有的老鼠都跟在他后面。
[02:29.37]4 There are no mice in the city now.现在,城里没有老鼠了。
[02:34.62]Please give me the gold.请给我金子吧。
[02:39.76]5 The man plays magic music again.这个男子又奏起魔乐。
[02:51.46]All the children walk behind him.所有的孩子都跟在他后面。
[02:55.81]6 The people give the man his gold.人们把他的金子给了他。
[03:00.24]The children come home.孩子们回到了家里。
[03:03.43]Sing a song一起唱首歌
[03:05.48]The music man音乐人
[03:12.96]I am the music man and I can play.
[03:17.60]What can you play?
[03:19.98]The piano!Ding-ding!Ding-ding!
[03:32.19]I am the music man and I can play.
[03:37.02]What can you play?
[03:39.23]The triangle!Ting-ting!Ting-ting!
[03:51.32]I am the music man and I can play.
[03:56.24]What can you play?
[03:58.34]The violin!Zing-zing!Zing-zing!
[04:10.52]I am the music man and I can play.
[04:15.23]What can you play?
[04:17.38]The drum!Boom-boom!Boom-boom!
[04:41.50]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:58.25]Where's Miss Tong?Can you see?
[05:02.99]She's in the classroom cleaning the glass
[05:07.38]with Tess.
[05:10.24]Where's Miss Tong?Can you see?
[05:15.26]She's in the classroom cleaning the glass
[05:19.57]with Tess.

