小学英语外研社(三起点)五年级下册Module 10 Unit 2

[00:00.86]Unit 2 I'm in New York now.
[00:07.27]1.Listen and say.
[00:11.69]dear monet:亲爱的?
[00:14.34]I’m in New York now.我现在在纽约。
[00:14.89]I arrived yesterday. 我昨天到的。
[00:17.14]Grandma and Cousin Sinmon met me at the airport.爷爷和表哥Sinmon 在机场接的我。
[00:20.54]It was very exciting.非常令人兴奋
[00:22.85]We went in a yellow taxi to their flat.我们乘一辆黄色的出租车到他们的公寓。
[00:25.26]New York is very beautiful.纽约非常漂亮。
[00:27.27]There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people.这里有许多高楼大厦和许多轿车和人。
[00:31.89]Everyone speaks English.每个人都说英语。
[00:35.40]Grandma made Chinese food for me.爷爷为我做了中国食物。
[00:36.93]But I want to try American food.但是我想试试美国食物。
[00:39.11]I want to find out about America.我想找关于美国的。
[00:41.54]I will write again soon.不久后我会再给你写信
[00:42.88]from daming来自达明
[00:45.70]3. Listen and repeat.
[01:06.29]4. Listen and say , then sing.
[01:13.23]It is a big exciting world这是个惊奇的世界
[01:15.97]I mean this guy.我说这个
[01:17.86]I fly in high.我在天上飞
[01:19.85]It is a big exciting world这是个惊奇的世界
[01:23.20]That's new food to eat,new peaple to meet新的食物可以吃,新的人可以见到
[01:27.69]It is a big exciting world这是个惊奇的世界
[01:31.20]I was travel by plant.again and again.我做飞机旅行,一次又一次。
[01:35.64]The big exciting world惊奇的世界

