小学英语外研社(三起点)五年级下册Module 10 Unit 1

[00:05.48]Unit 1 Where are you going to go?
[00:11.17]1.Look, listen and learn.
[00:17.36]Hello Daming 你好达明
[00:19.67]Hello grandma你好奶奶
[00:21.62]Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?你准备好明天的旅行了吗?
[00:24.24]I think so. 我想是的。
[00:25.87]But I feel nevous. 但是我感到紧张。
[00:27.88]It will be all right. 会好的。
[00:30.60]I’m going to meet you in New York.我会在纽约见你。
[00:33.49]Make a list of things to do.做一张要要的事情清单。
[00:36.48]That’s a good idea.好主意。
[00:39.11]Where are you going to go?你打算去哪?
[00:40.80]To the airport.去机场。
[00:42.26]What are you going to take?你将会带什么?
[00:44.96]Clothes, shoes, present, ticket, passport, toothbrush……衣服,鞋,礼物,票,通行证,牙刷……
[00:52.55]When are you going to go to the airpot?你什么时间去机场?
[00:55.81]At seven o’clock tomorrow morning.明天早上七点。
[00:58.10]Who’s going to go to the airport?谁去机场?
[01:01.38]Who, I don't know.谁,我不知道
[01:03.55]It's you.是你
[01:05.49]oh me,I’m going. 哦 是我,我去。
[01:09.27]2. Listen and say.
[01:15.19]Where are you going to go? 你去哪里?
[01:18.30]What are you going to take?你将会带什么?
[01:21.54]When are you going to go to the airpot?你什么时间去机场?
[01:25.28]Who’s going to go to the airport?谁去机场?

