小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 8 Unit 1

[00:13.50]Listen,point and find"could"and"couldn't".
[00:21.27]Helen Keller was born in 1880 in America.1980年海伦凯勒出生在美国.
[00:26.94]She was blind.她是一个盲人.
[00:28.45]So she couldn't see.因此她什么也看不到.
[00:30.28]She was deaf.她是一个聋子.
[00:31.72]So she couldn't hear.因此她什么也听不到.
[00:33.53]And she couldn't talk.并且她不能够讲话.
[00:35.67]Her life was very sad.她的生活非常悲惨.
[00:38.33]But she was a very clever girl and she could
[00:43.34]She tried very hard.她非常艰辛的尝试着.
[00:45.58]She learned to read and write.她学会了读和写.
[00:48.43]It was very,very difficult for her.但这对于她来说是非常、非常困难的.
[00:52.11]Helen went around the world to tell her story.海伦环游世界并且讲述她的故事.
[00:55.67]She couldn't talk.她不能够讲话.
[00:56.96]So her friends helped her.因此都是她的朋友帮助她
[00:59.28]"Blind people are normal people.盲人是正常的.
[01:01.83]We can learn and work,too."我们也可以学习和工作
[01:03.98]she said.她说
[01:05.52]Helen wrote books about her life海伦写了一本自传
[01:08.81]She was famous.她非常的出名.
[01:10.71]She helped blind people everywhere.她帮助每一个角落的盲人们.
[01:17.54]Listen and say.
[01:20.30]She was blind.她是一个盲人.
[01:21.97]So she couldn't see.因此她什么也看不到.
[01:24.83]She was deaf.她是一个聋子.

