小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 7 Unit 1

[00:13.11]Listen,point and find"flew,spent,could,came".
[00:20.23]In October 2003,2003十月,
[00:22.82]Shenzhou V flew into space.神舟五号飞入太空.
[00:25.12]Yang Liwei was inside.杨立伟就在这个飞船上.
[00:27.42]He was China's first man in space.他是中国飞入太空的第一人.
[00:30.32]He spent about 21 hours in space.他在太空中待了21个小时.
[00:33.23]Everyone is China was very excited,每一个中国人都非常激动,
[00:36.15]and now Yang Liwei is very,very famous.而现在的杨立伟也非常非常著名.
[00:40.44]Yang Liwei is from Liaoning.杨立伟是辽宁人.
[00:43.34]When he was a little boy,当他还是小孩子的时候,
[00:45.07]he wanted to go into space.他就梦想着有一天能够飞入太空.
[00:47.09]He worked very hard at school.在学校的时候,他学习非常刻苦.
[00:49.36]And then his dream came true.并且那时他的梦想实现了.
[00:51.78]Yang Liwei made a video.杨立伟制作了一个录音机.
[00:54.17]Everyone could see him in space on TV.每个人都可以在电视上看到太空上的他.
[00:57.33]His first words in space were,"I feel good".他在太空中的第一句话就是"我感觉很好."
[01:01.04]Yang Liwei's son was eight years old.杨利伟的儿子是八岁。
[01:04.17]He saw his father in space and he was very proud
[01:07.70]of him.他看到他的父亲在空间和他很为他感到骄傲。
[01:11.75]Listen and say.
[01:13.38]In October 2003,2003十月,
[01:15.75]Shenzhou V flew into space.神舟五号飞入太空.
[01:18.47]He wanted to go into space.他以前就想进入太空.
[01:21.01]Then his dream came true.当时,那是他的梦想.
[01:23.45]He spent about 21 hours in space.他在太空中待了21个小时.

