小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 2 Unit 1

[00:13.55]Listen,point and find"going to..."
[00:19.18]Today we're going to have a picnic in the park.今天我们打算去公园野餐.
[00:27.68]When are we going to eat,Mum?我们打算什么时候开饭呢,妈妈?
[00:29.97]At half past twelve.十二点半吧.
[00:32.26]And what time is it now?那么现在几点了?
[00:34.21]It's only half past eleven.现在才十一点半.
[00:37.29]First we're going to walk around the lake首先我们去湖边散步
[00:40.27]and see the ducks.然后看看鸭子.
[00:41.94]Then we're going to eat.然后我们再吃饭.
[00:44.68]It's going to rain soon.天就要下雨了.
[00:47.02]No,it isn't.不,它不
[00:47.56]It's a beautiful day.今天是个好天气.
[00:50.41]Let's go.我们走吧.
[00:54.49]Oh,no,it's raining now!哦,不,现在下雨了!
[00:58.52]Let's go under the tree.让我们躲在树下吧.
[01:00.07]It's dry there!那里还算干燥!
[01:01.44]Look at the ducks.看那些鸭子.
[01:03.14]What are they going to do?它们要做什么呢?
[01:08.14]Naughty ducks!顽皮的鸭子!
[01:09.52]They're going to eat our sandwiches!他们打算吃我们的三明治!
[01:16.22]Listen and say.
[01:22.68]When are we going to eat?我们打算什么时候开饭呢
[01:25.02]We're going to eat at half past twelve.我们打算十二点半开饭.
[01:29.31]It's going to rain soon.天就快下雨了.

