小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 1 Unit 2

[00:12.08]Listen and repeat.
[00:15.56]What do you want to eat?你要吃些什么?
[00:17.73]I want some soup,please.我要一碗汤.
[00:20.03]And I want some noodles and some meat.一碗面条和一些肉.
[00:23.13]Thank you.谢谢
[00:24.29]And what do you want to drink?你还需要什么喝的吗
[00:26.65]I want a cola and some tea.我要可乐和茶.
[00:34.12]Listen,point and answer.
[00:38.25]It's ninety cents.它值九十美分.
[00:40.02]What is it?它是什么?
[00:42.09]It's one dollar and seventy-five cents.它值一元七十五美分.
[00:51.51][00:46.11]What is it?
[00:49.03]It's eighty-five cents.它值八十五美分.
[00:54.30]It's two dollars and forty-five cents.它值两美元四十五美分.
[01:03.98][00:58.20]What is it?它是什么?
[01:00.96]It's one dollar and ten cents.它值一美元十美分.
[01:06.83]It's three dollars and eighty cents.它值三美元八十美分.
[01:16.18][01:09.89]What is it?它是什么?
[01:12.72]It's two dollars and forty cents.它值两美元四十美分.
[01:18.93]It's one dollar and fifty cents.它值一美元五十美分.
[01:21.93]What is it?它是什么?
[01:31.49]Listen and say.
[01:33.65]Then sing.然后唱。
[01:47.52]What do you want to eat?你要吃什么?
[01:49.64]Soup,noodles or fihs?汤,面条还是fihs?
[01:52.79]Come in and have a seat and have your favourite
[01:58.18]What do you want to drink?你想喝什么?
[02:00.56]Milk,juice or tea?牛奶,果汁或茶?
[02:03.38]All our food is very,very nice,as you can see.我们所有的食物是非常,非常好,你可以看到。

