小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 4 Unit 1

[00:09.15]Listen,point and find"four questions".
[00:20.27]Can you tell me about American festivals?你能跟我说说美国的节日吗?
[00:23.26]Yes.My favourite is Thanksgiving.是的。我最喜欢的是感恩节。
[00:26.46]When is it? 它在什么时候?
[00:27.74]It's in November.11月.
[00:29.47]And what happens?会发生什么事情呢?
[00:31.40]Families are together.家人聚在一起.
[00:33.17]We have a big,special dinner.我们会有一个盛大而又特别的晚餐.
[00:35.46]We say thank you for all the good things we have我们对所有美好的东西表示感谢.
[00:38.84]We have a lot of fun.我们很开心.
[00:40.59]Thanksgiving is very important in America.在美国,感恩节很重要.
[00:44.27]I wrote a poem about Thanksgiving.我写了一首关于感恩节的诗.
[00:46.80]Do you want to hear it?你想听吗?
[00:49.84]Thanksgiving is nearly here,感恩节即将到来.
[00:52.06]Thanksgiving comes every year,感恩节每年都会到来
[00:54.55]There is something I can say,我要说的是,
[00:56.54]Thanksgiving is my favourite day.感恩节那天是我最喜欢的一天.
[01:01.04]Listen and say.
[01:07.47]Can you tell me about American festivals?你能告诉我一些关于美国的节日吗?
[01:10.35]Yes.Thanksgiving is my favourite.是的感恩节是我最喜欢的。
[01:13.38]Families are together.家庭在一起。
[01:14.87]We have a big,special dinner.我们有一个大的,特别的晚餐。

