小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 4 Unit 2

[00:09.04]Listen and repeat.
[00:14.95]Point to the correct pictures.指出正确的图画。
[00:18.24]Can you tell me about Christmas?你能跟我说说圣诞节吗?
[00:21.08]It's a very important festival in many countries这是个在很多国家都很重要的节日.
[00:24.99]It is on the 25th of December.它在12月25日.
[00:27.79]People put special trees in their homes.人们把精致的树摆在家里.
[00:30.60]There are lights in the streets and shops.街道和商店里都挂满了灯.
[00:33.51]We give presents and send cards.我们给的礼物和明信片。
[00:35.97]We love it!我们喜欢这个节日.
[00:42.30]Listen and say.Then sing.
[01:00.55]there are lots and lots of things to see.有很多要看的东西。
[01:04.45]It's a very big country这是一个非常大的国家
[01:08.12]from New York to Tennessee.从纽约到田纳西州。
[01:11.93]You can climb a high mountain.你能爬上一座高山。
[01:15.77]You can swim in a lake.你可以在湖里游泳。
[01:19.41]You can have Thanksgiving你可以祈祷
[01:23.22]and eat lots and lots of cakes.吃很多很多的蛋糕。
[01:27.38]The flag's got three colours.国旗有三种颜色。
[01:30.87]It is red and blue and white.它是红色和蓝色和白色。
[01:34.60]It hangs outside the building它挂在建筑物
[01:38.24]all day and all night.整天整夜。
[01:45.80]there are lots and lots of things to see.有很多要看的东西。
[01:49.49]It's a very big country这是一个非常大的国家
[01:53.35]from New York to Tennessee.从纽约到田纳西州。

