小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 8 Unit 1

[00:12.55]Listen,point and find"was,were".
[00:19.92]I'm worried.我很担心.
[00:21.22]I can't find Daming.我找不到大明了.
[00:25.20]We were on the first floor.我们刚才在一楼.
[00:27.56]Was Daming there?大明在那儿吗?
[00:29.56]No,he wasn't.他不在.
[00:33.39]Were you on the second floor?你们刚才在二楼吗?
[00:36.08]Yes,we were.
[00:39.49]And Daming was there!大明在那边!
[00:41.66]I remember!我想起来了!
[00:43.03]Thank you.
[00:44.00]I'll go to the second floor now.我要去二楼了.
[00:48.25]Daming,come here!大明,来这边!
[00:50.69]I was very worried.让我担心死了.
[00:54.28]This CD is for you!给你买的CD.
[00:56.32]Happy Mother's Day!母亲节快乐!
[00:58.00]Oh,thank you.
[01:07.41]Listen and say.
[01:10.82]Was he there?他在那边吗?
[01:12.57]No,he wasn't.不在.
[01:16.58]Were you on the second floor?你们刚才在二楼吗?
[01:19.18]Yes,we were.在.
[01:21.53]And Daming was there!大明在那边!

