小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 7 Unit 2

[00:10.81]Listen and repeat.
[00:14.27]Dear Lucy,
[00:16.33]In the holidays,在假期的时候,
[00:18.07]Mum and Amy were in London.妈妈和艾米在伦敦.
[00:20.92]They were with my grandparents他们和祖父母在一起
[00:23.61]Dad wasn't in London.爸爸不在伦敦.
[00:25.84]He was in Hong Kong.他在香港.
[00:28.21]And me?
[00:30.07]I was in Beijing.我在北京.
[00:32.74]I was with Daming at Daming's flat yesterday.我昨天在大明的家里和大明在一起.
[00:37.13]It was fun!非常有意思!
[00:50.25]Listen and say.
[00:52.77]Then sing.
[00:54.26]I was fat
[00:56.50]I was fat and now I'm thin.
[01:00.41]I was slow.
[01:02.03]Now I'm fast.
[01:03.89]I can win.
[01:05.48]I was a baby,but now I'm big.
[01:09.77]I was cute.
[01:11.39]Now I'm not.
[01:13.13]I'm an old pig.

