小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 4 Unit 2

[00:11.01]Listen and repeat.
[00:14.55]Xiaoyong wants to fly.小勇想飞.
[00:17.67]But he won't fly a kite.但他不是想放风筝.
[00:20.07]And he won't fly a plane.不是想驾驶飞机.
[00:22.64]He'll fly a spaceship!他想驾驶太空船!
[00:25.21]The spaceship will go to the moon.太空船可以登上月球.
[00:28.44]Xiaoyong wants to be an astronaut!小勇想当宇航员
[00:40.70]Listen and say.
[00:42.88]Then sing.
[00:44.35]I will be a pilot
[01:10.70]I will be a pilot and I will fly a plane.
[01:21.51]You will be a driver and you will drive a train
[01:32.37]He will be an astronaut and go into space.
[01:43.43]She will be a runner and win every race.

