小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 4 Unit 1

[00:12.62]Listen,point and find"will".
[00:19.70]What will you be in the future?你将来想做什么?
[00:22.10]Maybe I'll be a writer.我想当一名作家.
[00:24.13]I love books.我喜欢书.
[00:27.39]What will you be?你想做什么?
[00:29.29]Maybe I'll be a film star.我想当电影明星.
[00:31.24]I like films.我喜欢电影.
[00:34.41]What will you be,Daming?大明,你想做什么?
[00:36.79]A footballer.足球运动员.
[00:39.69]And you,Sam?萨姆,你呢?
[00:41.44]You are bad children.你是个坏孩子.
[00:43.57]Come to the police station with me now!现在跟我去警察局!
[00:47.25]You're not a policeman,Sam!萨姆,你不是警察!
[00:49.84]Not now.现在不是.
[00:51.12]But I will be!但以后是!
[01:02.12]Listen and say.
[01:05.56]What will you be?你将来想做什么?
[01:09.48]Maybe I'll be a writer.我想当一名作家.
[01:13.81]Maybe I'll be a film star.我想当电影明星.

