
[00:02.20]UNIT SIX 
[00:03.56]AT A FARM 在农场
[00:06.32]What are these?这些是什么?
[00:09.52]Let me try.我来试一试.
[00:12.40]How many babies do you have?你有多少个宝宝?
[00:16.07]I don't know.我不知道.
[00:18.99]How many sheep are there?这里有多少只绵羊?
[00:22.02]Thirty-five. 35只.
[00:24.52]Are those cows? 那些是奶牛吗?
[00:27.90]Yes,they are.是的.
[00:30.45]Are these donkeys?这些是驴子吗?
[00:33.28]No,they aren't.不,不是的.
[00:37.36]A Let's learn
[00:40.34]sheep绵羊 horse马 hen母鸡 cow母牛 
[00:48.01]lamb羊羔 goat山羊
[00:51.77]What are they?它们是什么?
[00:53.43]They are goats.它们是山羊.
[00:55.74]Let's do
[01:02.46]Feed the hens.喂鸡.
[01:05.90]Ride a horse.骑马.
[01:08.99]Milk a cow.挤牛奶.
[01:12.10]Shear a sheep.剪羊毛.
[01:15.22]Hold a lamb.抱羊羔.
[01:18.18]Let's talk
[01:19.82]Oh,this farm is so big.这个牧场真大.
[01:22.94]Are they sheep?它们是绵羊吗?
[01:25.13]No,they aren't.不,它们不是.
[01:26.43]They are goats.它们山羊.
[01:28.49]Are they horses?它们是马吗?
[01:30.30]No,they aren't.
[01:32.24]They are donkeys.它们是驴.
[01:34.52]Look at the hens.看那母鸡.
[01:36.08]They are fat.它们很肥.
[01:37.39]Yes,they are.是的,它们是.
[01:39.62]How many cows do you have?你有多少只母牛?
[01:41.77]One hundred.一百只.
[01:45.74]Let's play 演一演
[01:47.75]Are they sheep?它们是绵羊吗?
[01:49.77]Yes,they are.是的.
[01:52.40]Are they sheep?它们是绵羊吗?
[01:54.51]No,they aren't.不,它们不是.
[01:57.45]Read and write
[01:59.63]What do you see in the picture?
[02:01.97]I see five cats,我能看到五只猫.
[02:04.36]eight rabbits and two pigs.八只兔子和两只猪.
[02:07.93]What are those?那些是什么?
[02:09.37]Are they ducks?它们是鸭子吗?
[02:10.99]No,they aren't.
[02:12.67]They are geese.它们是鹅.
[02:14.47]How many geese can you see?你能看到多少只鹅?
[02:16.64]Let me see....Three.让我数数...三只.
[02:18.85]What are these?这些是什么?
[02:20.22]Are they dogs?它们是狗吗?
[02:22.21]Yes,they are.是的,它们是.
[02:24.51]Are they ducks?它们是鸭子吗?
[02:25.94]No,they aren't.不,它们不是.

