
[00:01.74]UNIT FIVE 
[00:03.50]HOW MUCH IS IT?多少钱?
[00:05.85]C Task time 任务时间
[00:08.79]Sandy has one hundred yuan.桑迪有100元.
[00:13.40]What can she buy?她能买什么?
[00:16.92]Things to buy 可买的物品
[00:19.67]Price 价格
[00:21.06]Pronunciation 发音
[00:23.04]u student学生 cute可爱的 music音乐 tube管子
[00:32.76]bus公共汽车 umbrella雨伞 toothbrush牙刷 cup杯子
[00:40.84]Let's check
[00:42.43]1.Look at that skirt,看那条裙子,
[00:45.65]It's colourful.多艳丽.
[00:48.21]2.How much is that jacket?那件夹克衫多少钱?
[00:52.38]It's ninety-eight.九十八元.
[00:54.83]That's expensive.太贵了.
[00:57.44]3.Can I help you?我可以帮助您吗?
[01:01.51]How much are these sneakers?这双运动鞋多少钱?
[01:03.96]There are twenty-three.二十三元.
[01:06.49]4.Can I help you?我可以帮助您吗?
[01:09.90]Yes.A pair of slippers,please.请给我拿一双拖鞋.
[01:13.98]Good to know 只是拓展
[01:16.91]Clothes 服装
[01:19.74]L-Large 大号
[01:22.69]M-Medium 中号
[01:25.84]S-Small 小号
[01:29.16]Shoes 鞋子
[01:31.69]USA美国  UK英码  Eur欧码
[01:38.89]9  7.5  40
[01:45.78]8  6.5  38
[01:53.31]6  4.5  36
[02:00.68]Let's sing 唱一唱 ……
[03:13.19]Story time 故事时间
[03:14.83]Zoom,do a good job.好好工作.
[03:17.08]No problem.没问题.
[03:18.53]Can I help you?我可以帮助您吗?
[03:20.34]Yes,I want to see that skirt.我想要那条裙子.
[03:23.48]It's pretty,isn't it?它很漂亮,是吗?
[03:25.64]Yes,it's colourful,too.是的,它还很艳丽.
[03:28.58]It's sixteen,right?它十六元,对吗?
[03:30.99]I'll take it.我买下它.
[03:33.56]Then how much is it?那多少钱?
[03:35.53]It's ninety-one.九十一无.
[03:38.68]I made a mistake.我弄错了.
[03:40.81]Zoom,you're fired.你被开除了.

