小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 1 unit 3


[00:01.00]Unit 3 In the future第三单元 将来
[00:04.28]I'll be a teacher.我将成为一名老师。
[00:06.66]I won't wear glasses.我将来不要戴眼镜。
[00:10.06]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:12.84]1 Kitty wants to know about her future.1 凯蒂想知道她的未来。
[00:17.76]She stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo.她站在魔法机器前拍了一张照片。
[00:23.25]2 Kitty looks at her photo.2 凯蒂看着她的照片。
[00:27.86]There are some words on the back.照片的背后写着一些文字。
[00:30.62]In 15 years,…15年后,......
[00:33.28]you will not wear glasses.你将来不戴眼镜。
[00:35.96]you will have big and beautiful eyes.你将拥有又大又美的眼睛。
[00:39.70]you will live in Beijing.你将住在北京。
[00:42.47]you will be a teacher.你将成为一名老师。
[00:45.17]you will love your job.你将热爱你的工作。
[00:47.97]3 This is me in the future!3 这就是未来的我!
[00:53.04]I won't wear glasses.我将来不戴眼镜。
[00:55.96]I'll have big and beautiful eyes.我将拥有又大又美的眼睛。
[00:59.84]I'll live in Beijing and I'll be a teacher.我将住在北京并且我将成为一名教师。
[01:04.70]Look and learn看图学短语
[01:07.58]do exercise做练习
[01:13.36]take a photo拍照
[01:18.32]wear glasses戴眼镜
[01:23.52]Look and read看图读短文
[01:26.12]Now and future现在和将来
[01:29.60]1 My name is Bobby.1 我的名字叫博比。
[01:33.16]I am good at Maths,我擅长数学,
[01:35.98]but I am weak in English.但我不擅长英语。
[01:39.25]I do not like to get up early,我不喜欢早起,
[01:41.78]so I have no time for breakfast.因此我没有时间吃早饭。
[01:44.65]I am often late for school.我经常上学迟到。
[01:47.95]I do not like sport and I get tired easily.我不喜欢运动而且很容易疲乏。
[01:52.19]I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。
[01:54.48]2 In the future,2 在将来,
[01:57.79]I will study hard and I will read more English books.我将努力学习并读更多的英语书。
[02:02.53]I will try to get up early and have breakfast.我将尽力早起、吃早餐。
[02:06.35]I will not be late for school any more.我将不再上学迟到。
[02:09.78]I will do exercise every day.我将每天做运动。
[02:12.64]I will not watch too much TV.我将不会看太多电视。
[02:15.94]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:18.90]ee bee蜜蜂
[02:27.89]ea tea茶
[02:36.99]eer deer鹿
[02:47.30]ear tear眼泪
[02:59.17]Mr Bee is having tea With his friend Miss Deer.
[03:04.07]Suddenly he falls into the tea,
[03:07.71]And Miss Deer is in tears.
[03:10.47]"Don't worry," says Mr Bee.
[03:12.62]"I can swim in tea!"
[03:17.76]Mr Bee is having tea With his friend Miss Deer.
[03:22.43]Suddenly he falls into the tea,
[03:25.89]And Miss Deer is in tears.
[03:28.52]"Don't worry," says Mr Bee.
[03:30.91]"I can swim in tea!"

