小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 1 unit 1


[00:01.00]Module 1 Changes and differences第一模块 变化和不同
[00:05.71]Unit 1 You and me第一单元 你和我
[00:09.58]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:37.38]go fishing去钓鱼
[00:41.55]enjoy oneself玩得愉快;得到乐趣
[00:45.84]get ... in收割
[00:50.51]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:53.51]Joe is visiting his cousin George in the countryside.乔在拜访他在乡下的表哥乔治。
[00:59.53]I weigh 47 kilograms. 我的体重是47公斤。
[01:02.97]How much do you weigh, George?你的体重是多少,乔治?
[01:05.48]I weigh 40 kilograms.我的体重是40公斤。
[01:08.74]I'm 150 centimetres tall. How tall are you?我150厘米高。你有多高?
[01:15.28]I'm 152 centimetres tall.我152厘米高。
[01:19.52]You're taller. Do you do a lot of exercise?你更高。你经常锻炼吗?
[01:24.99]Yes. 是的。
[01:26.54]I usually play basketball and table tennis after school.放学后我通常打篮球和乒乓球。
[01:31.63]I usually play football after school.放学后我通常踢足球。
[01:35.02]I'm a football fan.我是个足球迷。
[01:37.71]Sometimes I go fishing with my grandpa.有时我和爷爷去钓鱼。
[01:42.00]How exciting!I don't go fishing often.真令人兴奋!我不经常去钓鱼。
[01:46.23]There's no river near my home.我家附近没有河。
[01:49.30]But you can go to museums.但是你可以去博物馆。
[01:51.78]That's fantastic!那真是太好了!
[01:54.37]Look and learn看图学习单词
[02:05.88]Look and read看图读短文
[02:08.84]Hi! I'm Joe. I live in the city.嗨!我是乔。我住在城市里。
[02:13.27]There are a lot of tall buildings in the city.城市里有很多高楼大厦,
[02:17.05]There are a lot of shops and restaurants too.也有很多得商店和餐厅。
[02:20.88]People go to work by car, bus or underground.人们乘汽车、公交车或地铁去工作。
[02:26.39]At the weekend, 周末,
[02:28.45]some people enjoy themselves at the cinema or theatre.有些人去看电影或看戏剧。
[02:33.16]Some people visit museums or parks.有些人去参观博物馆或公园。
[02:37.49]Hi! I'm George. I live in the countryside.你好!我是乔治。我住在乡下。
[02:42.98]There are a lot of houses with gardens in the countryside.乡下有很多的花园洋房,
[02:47.95]There are hills, rivers,我住在乡下。
[02:50.34]lakes and a lot of trees.也有山丘、河流、湖泊和许多树。
[02:53.78]There aren't many cars. The air is fresh.这里没有很多车。这儿的空气很新鲜。 
[02:59.41]People here like to walk or ride their bikes.这里的人们喜欢步行或骑自行车。
[03:03.66]Farmers plant crops in spring.农民在春天播种庄稼,
[03:06.97]Then in autumn, they get the crops in.然后在秋天收割。
[03:11.30]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:13.91]baby favourite婴儿 最喜欢的
[03:25.54]grade space年级 空间
[03:37.68]tail paint尾巴 涂料
[03:49.15]May stay5月 停留
[04:01.27]eight weight八 重
[04:16.03]pilot tiger飞行员 老虎
[04:28.44]line white线 白色
[04:40.24]fly sky飞 天空
[04:51.88]light right光 正确的
[05:04.69]die lie死 谎言
[05:16.29]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的单词。

