小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级下module 4 unit 12


[00:02.00]Unit 12 The ugly duckling第十二单元 丑小鸭
[00:05.49]Words and Expressions单词和词组
[00:37.70]1 It is sunny and warm.天气晴朗又暖和。
[00:42.09]Mother Duck is near the river.鸭妈妈在河边。
[00:45.55]2 She has three eggs.They are small.她下了三个蛋。它们小小的。
[00:51.99]3 Look!Now there are three small eggs
[00:57.81]and a big egg.看啊!现在这儿有三个小蛋,还有一个大的蛋。
[01:00.90]4 Mother Duck sits on the eggs.鸭妈妈坐在蛋上。
[01:06.91]5 Three eggs open.三只蛋打开了。
[01:16.15]The ducklings are small and yellow.小鸭子们是小小的,黄色的。
[01:20.48]Oh, my lovely babies!I love you!哦,我可爱的宝贝们!我爱你们!
[01:26.60]6 The big egg opens later.大的那只蛋后来也打开了。
[01:35.65]The duckling is big and grey.小鸭个头大而且是灰色的。
[01:39.40]He is ugly.他可真丑。
[01:42.20]7 Mother Duck swims.鸭妈妈在水里游。
[01:46.10]The three yellow ducklings sit on her back.三只小黄鸭坐在她的背上。
[01:50.58]The ugly duckling swims behind them.丑小鸭在他们后面游着。
[01:55.10]Quack! Quack!呱呱!
[01:58.70]8 The three yellow ducklings play together.三只小黄鸭在一起玩耍。
[02:03.89]They are happy.他们很快乐。
[02:06.71]9 The ugly duckling is sad.He swims away.丑小鸭很难过。他游开了。
[02:18.54]10 In winter,it is cold.冬天,天很冷。
[02:23.35]The ugly duckling has no home.丑小鸭无家可归。
[02:27.70]11 It is spring again.又到了春天。
[02:31.45]The ugly duckling is in the grass.丑小鸭躲在草丛里。
[02:35.21]He sees two big swans.他看到两只大天鹅。
[02:39.10]Hello! Come and play.你好!过来玩儿吧。
[02:42.85]I'm an ugly duckling.我是一只丑小鸭。
[02:46.71]No! You're a beautiful swan.不!你是一只美丽的天鹅。
[02:51.22]12 The ugly duckling looks into the water.丑小鸭看看水中。
[02:57.52]He is a beautiful swan!他是一只美丽的天鹅!
[03:01.28]Yes! I'm a beautiful swan!是啊!我是一只美丽的天鹅!

