小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级下module 4 unit 10


[00:02.00]Module 4 Things we enjoy模块四 我们喜欢的事情
[00:05.90]Unit 10 My garden第十单元 我的花园
[00:08.88]Words and Expressions单词和词组
[00:33.55]every day每天
[00:36.89]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:39.46]1 I have a garden.我有一个花园。
[00:42.47]There are many plants in my garden.花园里有很多植物。
[00:45.49]They have small green leaves.它们有小小的绿叶。
[00:48.06]I water them every day.我每天给它们浇水。
[00:50.41]The plants grow and grow.植物们渐渐长大。
[00:53.63]2 Now my plants are tall and big.现在我的植物长得又高又大。
[00:57.82]They have flowers.还开了花儿。
[00:59.83]Some are red.Some are yellow.有红色的,有黄色的。
[01:02.88]They are all beautiful.它们都很漂亮。
[01:05.49]I like reading and listening to music
[01:08.12]in my garden.我喜欢在我的花园里读书和听音乐。
[01:10.20]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:17.37]Enjoy a story故事欣赏
[01:19.80]Two seeds两粒种子
[01:22.37]1 We are seeds.We are small and brown.我们是种子。我们小小的,是棕色的
[01:29.06]2 It rains.We are thirsty.下雨了。我们渴了。
[01:41.52]We drink the rain water.我们喝雨水。
[01:44.97]3 It is sunny and warm.We like the sun.天气晴朗又暖和。我们喜欢太阳。
[01:51.61]4 Look at us!看看我们!
[01:54.55]There are two small leaves on our heads.我们的头上有两片小叶子了。
[01:59.76]5 We grow and grow.We have big leaves.我们长啊长。我们长成了大叶子。
[02:06.88]6 Now we have yellow flowers.现在我们长成了黄色的花朵。 

