小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)三年级下module 1 unit 2


[00:02.00]Unit 2 Tastes第二单元 味道
[00:04.80]How is it? It's sweet.味道怎么样?它是甜的。
[00:10.02]Listen and say听一听,说一说
[00:12.94]1 Taste it, Joe.  尝一尝它,乔。
[00:16.19]How is it? It's sweet.味道怎么样?它是甜的。
[00:20.47]What is it? It's candy.它是什么?它是糖果。
[00:26.58]2 Taste it, Kitty.2 尝一尝它,基蒂。
[00:29.15]How is it? It't sour.味道怎么样?它是酸的。
[00:34.01]What is it? It's a lemon.它是什么?它是柠檬。
[00:38.49]Look and learn看一看,学一学
[00:41.07]candy ice cream lemon糖果 冰淇淋 柠檬
[00:49.43]Look and read看一看,读一读
[00:53.28]1 It is red and round.1 它是红色的,圆的。
[00:56.88]It is sweet. What is it?它是甜的。它是什么?
[01:03.02]2 It is yellow and long.2 它是黄色的,长的。
[01:06.86]It is sweet. What is it?它是甜的。它是什么?
[01:13.24]3 It is orange and round.3 它是橙色的,圆的。
[01:17.14]It is sweet and sour.是酸甜的。
[01:21.24]What is it?它是什么?
[01:25.68]4 It is yellow.  它是黄色的。
[01:28.08]It is sour.它是酸的。
[01:30.41]What is it?它是什么?
[01:33.09]Sing a song唱首歌
[01:35.19]Apple free苹果树
[01:42.96]Apple red, Apple round,
[01:46.33]Apple juicy, Apple sweet,
[01:49.68]Apple, apple, I love you.
[01:52.91]Apple sweet, I love to eat.
[02:02.34]Apple red, Apple round,
[02:05.82]Apple juicy, Apple sweet,
[02:08.92]Apple, apple, I love you.
[02:12.28]Apple sweet, I love to eat.
[02:27.64]Learn the sounds学发音
[02:29.97]p pig 猪
[02:38.45]b bag书包
[02:48.47]Betty has a new bag, But it's not very big.
[02:52.86]On the front of her bag Is a picture of a pig.
[03:00.33]Betty has a new bag, But it's not very big.
[03:04.68]On the front of her bag Is a picture of a pig.

