小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级下module 1 unit 1


[00:02.00]Module 1 Using my five senses运用我的五种感觉
[00:06.80]Unit 1 Touch and feel第一单元 触摸和感觉
[00:10.69]Words and Expressions单词和词组
[00:40.49]How does it feel? It's soft.它摸上去感觉如何?它是软的。
[00:45.72]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:48.53]1 Touch this, Alice. How does it feel?爱丽丝,摸摸这个。摸上去感觉如何?
[00:54.85]It's soft.它是软的。
[00:57.30]What is it?它是什么?
[00:59.71]Is it a toy dog?是一只玩具狗吗?
[01:02.64]No, it isn't.It's a toy bear.不,不是。是一个玩具熊。
[01:07.55]2 Touch this,Alice.How does it feel?爱丽丝,摸摸这个。摸上去感觉如何?
[01:14.24]It's hard.它是硬的。
[01:16.54]What is it?它是什么?
[01:18.92]Is it an apple?是一个苹果吗?
[01:21.66]Yes,it is.Well done,Alice.是的,它是。做得好,爱丽丝!
[01:26.23]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:39.42]Enjoy a story故事欣赏
[01:41.86]The blind men and the elephant盲人摸象
[01:45.66]1 It is a hot day.这是一个炎热的一天。
[01:49.73]Four men are under a tree.四个人在树下。
[01:52.95]They are blind.他们是盲人。
[01:54.80]They cannot see.他们看不到东西。
[01:57.71]2 The four men hear a noise.这四个人听到声响。
[02:05.76]What is it?它是什么?
[02:07.93]It's an elephant. You can touch it.它是一头大象。你们可以摸摸它。
[02:11.57]3 The four men touch the elephant.这四个人摸着大象。
[02:16.74]How does it feel, young men?年轻人们,它摸上去感觉如何?
[02:19.87]The elephant is hard.大象是坚硬的。
[02:22.67]No. It's soft.不。它是柔软的。
[02:25.69]It's thin.它是细的。
[02:27.85]No. It's thick.不,它是粗的。
[02:30.79]Listen and enjoy听唱歌谣
[02:36.03]Some drinks are hot,some drinks are cold.
[02:40.68]Some toys are soft,some toys are hard.
[02:45.72]I like eating and drinking and playing
[02:50.06]in my yard.
[02:54.12]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:08.78]Charlie has a chick.
[03:11.05]Charlie has a chair.
[03:13.45]Charlie and his chick are sitting on the chair.
[03:19.22]Charlie has a chick.
[03:21.64]Charlie has a chair.
[03:24.07]Charlie and his chick are sitting on the chair.

