小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级上module 4 unit 11


[00:02.00]Unit 11 Trees第十一单元 树木
[00:04.63]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:18.32]have to不得不
[00:26.03]look for寻找
[00:29.44]We get wood from trees.我们从树木上获取木材。
[00:32.15]We use wood to make pencils.我们用木材制造铅笔。
[00:35.22]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:38.32]I like trees. 我喜欢树木,
[00:39.49]They make our city beautiful.它们使我们的城市美丽。
[00:42.52]Yes. They're important.是的,它们很重要。
[00:44.88]We get a lot of things from trees.我们从树木上得到很多东西。
[00:48.23]We get fruit from trees.我们从树上收获水果。
[00:50.98]We also get wood from trees.我们还从树木上获取木材,
[00:53.86]We use wood to make pencils, desks and chairs.我们用木材制造铅笔、书桌和椅子。
[00:59.10]We use wood to make paper too.我们也用树木造纸。
[01:02.69]Trees can keep the air clean. 树木可以使空气清洁,
[01:05.18]They can cool the air too.它们也可以使空气凉爽。
[01:08.16]Really? That's wonderful! 是吗?那真是太棒了!
[01:10.86]We should plant more trees.我们应该多种树。
[01:13.95]Look and learn看图学单词
[01:21.48]Read a story看故事
[01:24.21]The bird and the tree树和鸟
[01:26.67]1 The bird and the tree are friends. 树和鸟是朋友,
[01:31.28]The bird often sings songs in the tree.鸟经常站在树上唱歌。
[01:40.33]2 Autumn comes. 秋天来了,
[01:43.38]The bird has to fly to the south.鸟不得不飞往南方。
[01:46.59]See you next spring. Mr tree.树先生,明年春天见。
[01:50.02]See you, Miss Bird. I'll miss you.鸟小姐,再见,我会想你的。
[01:53.58]3 Spring comes. The bird comes back. 春天来了,鸟飞回来了。
[01:57.82]But she cannot see the tree.但它没有看见树
[02:00.83]Where's Mr Tree?树先生在哪儿呢?
[02:03.90]Some workers cut him down and took him to a factory.一些工人把他砍倒并运到了工厂。
[02:08.32]4 The bird flies to the factory. 鸟飞往工厂。
[02:12.51]I'm looking for my friend Mr Tree. Where is he?我正在寻找我的朋友树先生,他在哪里?
[02:17.76]The workers cut him into wood. 工人们把它砍成了木材,
[02:20.59]They used the wood to make matches. 他们用木材制作火柴,
[02:23.53]The they took the matches to a village.然后把火柴带到一个村庄。
[02:27.39]5 The bird flies to the village and sees a girl beside a fire. 鸟飞到村庄,在火旁边看到一个女孩儿。
[02:34.33]Hello! Are there any matches in your home?你好!你家里有火柴吗?
[02:38.68]There were many matches, 有很多火柴,
[02:40.87]but now there aren't any. 但是现在一点也没有了,
[02:42.52]I used the last one to make the fire.我用最后一根点火了。
[02:45.82]6 The bird sings a sad song to the fire and then flies away. 鸟对着火唱了一首悲伤的歌曲,然后飞走了。
[02:52.69]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:55.09]tr→tree try train trousers triangle traffic树木 尝试 火车 裤子 三角形 交通
[03:17.19]dr→dress dry drink draw drive drop穿 把……弄干 喝 画画 驾驶 使降低
[03:39.26]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的。

