小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级上module 3 unit 7


[00:02.00]Module 3 Out and about模块三 户外活动
[00:04.91]Unit 7 Seeing a film第七单元 看电影
[00:08.49]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:46.23]next time下次
[00:49.32]once upon a time从前
[00:53.74]fall asleep睡着
[00:57.16]Shall we go and see a film this weekend? Sure.我们这周末去看电影怎么样?当然可以。
[01:02.28]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[01:04.78]Shall we go and see a film this weekend?我们这周末去看电影怎么样?
[01:08.79]Sure. I love films.当然可以,我爱电影。
[01:12.17]Me too. What would you like to see?我也是,你想看什么?
[01:15.49]I'd like to see Snow White. 我想看《白雪公主》,
[01:17.92]It's a story about a beautiful princess.这个故事讲述了一个公主,
[01:21.63]She meets seven little friends in the forest. 她在森林里遇见七个小矮人。
[01:24.66]It's an interesting film.那是一个有趣的电影。
[01:27.11]But I'd like to see Police Story. 但是我想看《警察故事》,
[01:29.76]It's an exciting film.那是一个激动人心的电影。
[01:32.42]What is it about?它讲述了什么?
[01:34.67]It's about a brave policeman. 它是关于一名勇敢的警察的,
[01:37.32]He catches bad people.他抓坏人。
[01:40.08]I'd also like to see Snow White. 我还是想看《白雪公主》,
[01:43.48]Shall we see Police Story next time, Peter?彼得,我们下次看《警察故事》怎么样?
[01:47.05]OK. Let's go and see Snow White on Sunday afternoon. 好的,我们周日下午去看《白雪公主》,
[01:52.30]We can see Police Story next Saturday or Sunday.我们可以下周六或下周日看《警察故事》。
[01:57.13]Look and learn看图学单词
[02:05.21]Read a story看故事
[02:07.87]Snow White白雪公主
[02:09.50]1 Once upon a time, there was a queen. 很久以前,有一位王后,
[02:14.27]She had a magic mirror. It could talk.她有一面魔镜,它会讲话。
[02:18.11]One day, she asked the mirror, "Mirror, mirror, 一天,她问魔镜:
[02:23.18]on the wall, who's the fairest of all?" “魔镜,墙上的魔镜,谁是最漂亮的?”
[02:27.44]"Snow White," answered the mirror.“白雪公主,”魔镜回答道。
[02:30.38]2 The queen was very angry. 王后很生气,
[02:33.81]She wanted to kill Snow White.她想杀死白雪公主。
[02:37.06]3 Snow White was afraid and ran away.白雪公主害怕了,就逃跑了。
[02:42.38]4 Snow White met seven little friends in the forest.白雪公主在森林里遇见了七个小矮人,
[02:47.20]She stayed with them.她跟他们住在了一起。
[02:49.65]5 The next day, the queen asked the mirror again, 第二天,王后再次问魔镜:
[02:55.12]"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of all?" “魔镜,墙上的魔镜,谁是最漂亮的?”
[02:59.97]"Snow White in the forest," answered the mirror.“森林里的白雪公主,”魔镜回答道。
[03:03.50]The queen was angry. 王后很生气,
[03:05.60]She came to the forest and gave Snow White an apple.她来到森林,把一个苹果给了白雪公主。
[03:10.56]6 Snow White tasted the apple and then fell asleep.白雪公主咬了一口苹果,然后睡着了。
[03:16.83]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:18.50]s→see bus看见 公共汽车
[03:27.58]c→cinema police电影院 警察
[03:37.11]z→zoo size动物园 尺寸
[03:46.55]s→visit please参观 请
[03:56.58]ts→lights parts boats rabbits灯 部分 船 兔子
[04:12.12]ds→cards clouds hands beds卡片 云 手 床
[04:27.47]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的。

