小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级上module 1 unit 2


[00:02.00]Unit 2 My summer holiday第二单元 我的暑假
[00:05.29]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:26.29]summer holiday暑假
[00:29.96]How was your summer holiday? 你的暑假过得怎么样?
[00:32.84]It was wonderful. 非常精彩,
[00:34.64]We went to the Great Wall.我们去了长城。
[00:37.45]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:39.93]How was your summer holiday, Kitty?凯蒂,你暑假过得怎么样?
[00:43.34]It was fun. I visited grandparents. 充满乐趣。我看望了祖父母。
[00:47.52]I also went to the beach with my family. 我还跟家人一起去了海滩,
[00:51.13]We played ball games there 我们在那儿玩球类游戏,
[00:53.49]and went swimming in the sea. 并去海里游泳。
[00:55.10]How about your summer holiday?你暑假过得怎么样?
[00:58.72]It was wonderful. 很精彩。
[01:01.21]I went to Beijing and visited my uncle.我去北京看望我的叔叔。
[01:03.94]We went to the Great Wall, 我们去了长城,
[01:06.37]Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum.天安门广场和故宫,
[01:10.29]We also went to some famous parks in Beijing,我们还去了北京的一些着名的公园。
[01:14.05]and I took a lot of photos.拍了很多照片。
[01:16.53]Can I see your photos?我可以看看你们的照片吗?
[01:19.50]Sure. I'll show you tomorrow.当然可以,我明天给你看。
[01:22.80]Look and learn看图说一说
[01:25.54]the Great Wall长城
[01:29.22]the Palace Museum故宫
[01:33.94]Tian'anmen Square天安门广场
[01:38.74]Look and read看图读句子
[01:40.57]1 In August, Alice visited her uncle in Beijing. 八月,爱丽丝去北京看望她的叔叔。
[01:46.91]She went there by plane.她乘飞机去的。
[01:49.44]Alice went to the Great Wall,爱丽丝去了长城,
[01:51.92]Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum. 天安门广场和故宫玩。
[01:56.31]She enjoyed her summer holiday.她暑假玩得很开心。
[01:59.14]2 During the summer holiday, 暑假期间,
[02:03.66]Peter and his family went back to the UK. 彼得和他的家人回到了英国。
[02:07.41]They spent their holiday in London. 他们在伦敦过得假期。
[02:11.04]They visited Big Ben and the British Museum. 他们参观了大本钟和大英博物馆。
[02:15.24]Everyone had a good time.大家玩得很开心。
[02:18.21]3 During the summer holiday, 暑假期间,
[02:21.60]Jill stayed with her grandparents in the countryside. 吉尔和乡下的奶奶呆在一起。
[02:25.76]She picked apples with her grandmother.她跟奶奶一起摘苹果。
[02:29.54]Sing a song唱首歌
[02:31.82]Over the bridge, into the town过了桥,进入城镇
[02:39.87]Over the bridge, into the town,
[02:43.34]She rode her bicycle.
[02:45.38]She rode her bicycle Over the bridge, Into the town.
[02:51.17]She rode her bicycle, Up and down.
[02:55.31]Over the bridge, into the town.
[02:59.06]They rode their bicycle.
[03:01.13]They rode their bicycle Over the bridge, Into the town.
[03:06.68]They rode their bicycles, Up and down.
[03:14.60]Over the bridge, into the town,
[03:18.26]She rode her bicycle.
[03:20.63]She rode her bicycle Over the bridge, Into the town.
[03:25.97]She rode her bicycle, Up and down.
[03:29.99]Over the bridge, into the town.
[03:33.78]They rode their bicycle.
[03:35.78]They rode their bicycle Over the bridge, Into the town.
[03:41.51]They rode their bicycles, Up and down.
[03:46.72]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:48.98]e→bed pet床 宠物
[03:59.18]a→any many一些 很多
[04:10.16]ea→head bread头 面包
[04:20.61]a→dad back apple black爸爸 后面 苹果 黑色
[04:35.89]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的。

